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The Film Experience™ was created by Nathaniel R. All material herein is written by our team. (This site is not for profit but for an expression of love for cinema & adjacent artforms.)

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© Phil NotoKeyframe a look back at the multiple Tilda Swintons of Teknolust
The Siren and Sunset Gun on Gene Tierney in Leave Her To Heaven 
World of Wonder gossiping about Will Smith and Jada Pinkett's breakup which they're denying (for now)
IndieWire has a chart of the top ten lesbian-centric box office hits: The Hours and Heavenly Creatures -- two films we like to talk about! -- bookend the chart. It's a remarkably high quality top ten all told. 

⬅ Your Nice New Outfit This is wonderful. The artist Phil Noto imagines society page coverage of superhero parties involving The Avengers and X-Men and the like allegedly shot by Ant-Man himself, Hank Pym. [P.S. If you're wondering why I always try to mention names of artists and such it's because I hate it when people don't get credit for their work. I wish the internet would respect province more... I just found out that my "Dead Wives Club" poster mockup which was satirizing Leonardo DiCaprio's career has finally taken off on tumblr and yet I wasn't credited for creating the joke or for making the poster. Sad face me.]

Zimbio Thelma & Louise has a 20th anniversary Academy screening in LA. Sadly Susan Sarandon didn't show. So it was basically Thelma & Nope, Just Thelma. This is even worse than last week when Pfeiffer wasn't at the Scarface thing.
Just Jared Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio in training on the set of The Great Gatsby.

Frankly My Dear... Speaking of Leo. He's lined up his 5th collaboration with Martin Scorsese. They'll remake The Gambler (1974) together. If you're keeping track DeNiro and Scorsese made 8 films together. DiCaprio seems determined to overthrow him in the Scorsese History. 


Say What? Superheroes

Amuse us. Add a caption or dialogue to this unofficial photo from an outdoor shoot of Joss Whedon's The Avengers (2012) starring Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr and... well, you know who's in it. I'll repost later with the winning bit.

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P.S. If you're new to The Film Experience -- i see a lot of new names in the comments -- welcome! Especially Whedonesque readers. Nathaniel is a huge Joss Whedon fan though he readily admits he hasn't been writing about him much lately. The previous incarnation of the blog has more Buffy and Dollhouse if you're so inclined.

But take a look around here. We've got plentiful semi-weekly series. You can see past Captain America posts, general Oscar mania, Disney films, box office, lots of vampirism, whatever. Investigate. Come back :)


Kristen Wiig & Annette Bening in "Imogene"

The Bening and freshly Bridesmaids minted Kristen Wiig are filming the comedy Imogene (2013) just 20 plus miles from where I type this. I absolutely cannot wait and my impatience demands that I assume this will get pushed up to 2012 calendar before long since they're already filming in summer 2011.

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Everyone knows Wiig is funny after years on Saturday Night Live and the Bridesmaids smash but people always seem to forget how hilarious The Bening is whenever her characters are called on for comic moments, even within heavy dramas. I'm guessing her status as Hollywood Royalty and Serious Actress obscures this.

In fact, one could argue that ALL of her best performances are comedic in nature, even if they're within dark, brooding or angsty films, The Grifters and American Beauty being two obvious examples.

⇐ Annette Bening's Imogene character, who is Wiig's gambling addict mama,  looks like a cross between Carolyn Burnham and Arlene from True Blood, right?

The film, directed by the American Splendor (2003) and Cinema Verite (2011) team of Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini , is about a woman (Wiig) forced to move back in with her mother after a staged suicide attempt to win back her ex-boyfriend fails.  In the most eye-brow raising bit of casting Glee sensation Darren Criss -- also recently spotted on set -- will play Wiig's love interest, though we assume he's not the ex in question. Wiig turns 38 next week, Criss is just 23. That age difference is absolutely normal for movies when the genders are reversed but it's still surprising and usually a large discussion point in the script (and may well be here) if the woman is older.

It sounds like a fun movie, right?


Goddess Behaving Badly

She's ba-aaaack!!! Look, it's Sharon Stone on the set of Gods Behaving Badly (via Zimbio). 

Goddess on the mountain top 
Burning like a silver flame 
The summit of beauty and love 
And Venus was her name 

-Bananarama "Venus"

She also goes by Aphrodite.

Gods Behaving Badly is producer turned director Marc Turteltaub's first feature so we have no idea whether to salivate or run for cover but the high-concept plot "Greek Gods living in NYC intervene in the lives of a young couple" sounds like the kind of thing that could go either way. It might be immense popcorn fun with lively star turns or the more common typical modern comedy which tends to rely on concept and stars (they've got both here) and forgets that you actually need ideas beyond them if you want more than a three or four laughs over two hours.

Beyond Sharon -- hugely watchable whether great or terrible -- John Turturro and Rosie Perez as Hades and his trapped wife Persephone sound like potential comedy gold, right? Other cast members include: Phyllica Rashad as Demeter, Edie Falco as Artemis, Christopher Walken as Zeus (top billed), and Nelson Ellis as Dionysus. The weirdest casting has to be Oliver Platt as Apollo.... uh, okay. I hope there's a more clever joke there than merely the casting of a rolypoly comic actor as the blindingly beautiful sun god.


Reminder: Pedro & Antonio Cometh

I know I've been terrible about Hit Me With Your Best Shot lately but this Wednesday night we'll be celebrating the long time collaboration of Pedro & Antonio in Matador (1986) and Law of Desire (1987) -- take your pick as to which film you'll cover if you're joining us!

In the meantime enjoy this Cannes teaser for THE SKIN I LIVE IN


and here's some on the set footage for the extra curious among you (these props... que???). It's in Spanish but some of you will undoubtedly understand.

We might do a Yes, No, Maybe So when the full trailer arrives but it will all be reflexive as we're always a boisterous expectant "Sí" when a new Almodóvar rolls into town.