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Red Carpet Oscar Pt. 2: "Aaron Tveit Yourself"

Oscar Night in Review: Fun ArrivalsWinner's List , Seth's Hosting, Funniest Tweets, Jennifer Lawrence in the Press Room...

Today's Guest: Guy LodgeWe just talked Red Carpet Best Actress, so now we move on to the men.

NATHANIEL: Welcome back to Red Carpet Convos, Guy Lodge! I'm not even sure where to begin with this one. So many men. Abundant tuxes. We can't possibly discuss them all so here's a random assortment I'm tossing out at you. If we don't do it, who will? Nobody else ever covers the men.

GUY: Well, I think some of the men looked pretty great. So let's hear it for the boys!

NATHANIEL: I hear, via Twitter, that you were just on BBC. "Who" were you wearing?

GUY: I was indeed. Suit by Paul Smith. Socks by Uniqlo. As for who dressed me... er, myself

NATHANIEL: I was on CNNi this week albeit not all of me so you win -- even your socks in frame! I was shot just from the chest up, blue shirt by somebody or other. But chest up is fine. This way I didn't have to worry about how long it's been since I bought any new clothes.

GUY: By the look of his suit, neither does Tommy Lee Jones!

Most Oscar Winner, 2 Time Winner, Winner, 2 Time Winner, Hugh Jackman

NATHANIEL: Yes, let's do start with the nominees. [15 Men After the Jump]

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Red Carpet Oscar Pt. 1: "Princess. Puppy. Purse."

For this Oscar Nominee edition of the red carpet convos I am pleased to welcome Courtney from Pajiba!

It's Courtney!

NATHANIEL: Welcome to the Film Experience, Courtney. Since you're a brand new to many readers (unless they're smart enough to read Pajiba!) it's confession time. I wore a Les Miz tee to the Oscars last night but before we dive into what the Best Supporting Actresses were wearing, tell us: what were you wearing last night?!

COURTNEY: Hello, sir! I was looking superb - a vision in flannel, baby vomit elegantly adorning my jeans.

NATHANIEL: Beautiful. Do you hate it when they ask the nominees if their child picked their dress for them? I heard it first with Reese Witherspoon last night but you hear it all the time. 

COURTNEY: I hate the question, and I hate the answers. If children ever actually picked out Oscar gowns, however, that is a ceremony I'd watch. Picture it. It would be some sparkly nonsense and I'd love it. 

Maybe Hugh Jackman would have shown up dressed as Batman. SEE? Automatically a better ceremony.

NATHANIEL: Definitely less matchy-matchy and "on trend" I'll give you that. Rainbow would be the new black. Okay....

SUPPORTING ACTRESS. Anne Hathaway's 'darts' were the talk of twitter last night but there's more than just pointy boobs to discuss.


Anne's halter, Helen's wrinkles, and so-phis-ti-cat-ed Best Actresses after the jump... 

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Jennifer Lawrence, Press Room Superstar

Whether or not one agrees with her Oscar win (for me she wasn't even close to best of that lineup), there can be no doubt at this point that Jennifer Lawrence is a great celebrity. Whether she's quipping on the red carpet, mugging for photo-ops like she's auditioning for an animated cartoon, shrugging off a standing ovation 'you're just doing that because I fell' or just answering dumb press queries, she rocks it.

Check this out if you haven't yet seen it and be amazed with her ease, humor and comfort in her own skin. She doesn't seem to take her own celebrity all that seriously which is not an uncommon occurence in young actors (see also: Kristen Stewart) but she's smart enough to enjoy it and laugh at its weird 'the world is watching you' excesses rather than twitch with discomfort.

Her performance in Silver Linings Playbook is all right but if you ask me, her Oscar night performance is the real deal. Best best

Reporter: Aren't you worried about peaking too soon?
Jen: I am now." 


And the Best Oscar Tweets Go To...

Previously: Fun Arrivals MomentsFull Winner's List , Seth's Hosting Job , Red Carpet Convo - Best Actress,

I tried to stay off the internet as much as possible last night since I feel like I have missed so many Oscar ceremonies in the past few years from multi-tasking while watching. But I'm playing catch up today and I favorited a dozen plus tweets last night so I wouldn't lose them.

I know not all of you have twitter -- nor am I recommending it wholeheartedly. The weeks of my life lost! The damage to my attention span and ability to spell "you're" and "your" since "ur" works best...

But I didn't want you to miss out on these gems which made me lol during the past 24 hours. Please to enjoy after the jump and comment if you'd like to tweet right back at any of them.


lots more after the jump... including my favorite from Jennifer Lawrence's stumble

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Why Does Anyone Want the Job of Hosting The Oscars?

All That (85th Oscars) Jazz
The Big Night: Fun ArrivalsWinner's ListJennifer Lawrence in the Press Room
The Look Back: Funniest Tweets, & Season Finale Podcast
The Fashions: Fifteen MenThe Ten Nominated LadiesGoodbye Glamour

The Opening Monologue
As today's reviews will surely attest, Seth MacFarlane bombed badly last night in the unenviable host position. Why anyone would want the job is beyond me. Occasionally someone will get 'good job' reviews (Hugh Jackman, Billy Crystal, etcetera) but those positive reviews almost never come directly after the show but later in context once they're sized up in memory against newer worse hosting gigs. Nearly everyone gets mixed to negative reviews in the moment. Fact: people love to hatewatch the Oscars. To his credit (eep), MacFarlane understood this and even attempted to get out in front of the criticism by mocking it. In his interminable opening monologue (18 minutes!) he was visited from the future by Captain Kirk (William Shatner) - a joke more suited to the Emmys which he'd be a better host of given that he's a television personality -- who showed him the headlines from the next morning.

It was funny because it was true. But the gag continued. As the monologue progressed his reviews improved until he got somewhere around "mediocre". It wasn't funny because it wasn't true. [Editor's Note: The "worst" part isn't true. That title will obviously and forever belong to James Franco who couldn't be bothered to show (in spirit) though he undoubtedly cashed the check.] 

See, Captain Kirk was right. His jokes were "inappropriate and offensive" and we all DID wish it were Tina & Amy hosting instead (a weird shoutout to the Golden Globes, which were without question the highlight of this awards season as televised events go though Oscar Night usually plays "no comment" on that precursor). Worse than MacFarlane's fratboy jokes though was that the humor seemed entirely centered around HIM, as if we were watching The Oscars to send 3½ hours with MacFarlane and not with the biggest movie stars in the world. Oops. Somehow doesn't know why people tune in to the Oscars.

Each year the media and the producers and even the general public play a little complicit game of "OOOH, ____ IS HOSTING AND NOW WE'RE EXCITED". But it's never the hosts. It's the movies and the movie stars! Mostly the hosts do best when they show up for brief intervals and make a funny but stay out of the way so we can gawk at stars and remember the year's most celebrated pictures and, for the less devoted, make a mental grocery list of movies we want to see now. 

Perhaps Captain James T Kirk can tell us if any future Oscar Producers and Hosts figure that out.

The three most terrible moments:


  1. That joke about Quvenzhané and Clooney. I've since blocked it out but I have a vague memory of being offended.
  2. Flight reenacted with sock puppets. (Somehow there was a lot of laughter in the Dolby. Please tell me that was a laugh track and not actual enjoyment)
  3. That weird flying nun / seducing Sally Field skit. 

So as not to be a total downer --  I enjoy the Oscars even when they're lame! --  here were a few things I think worked about Seth's performance.


  1. He sings well. His love of musicals was obvious and gave us fun expected moments like Charlize Theron (originally a dancer) and Channing Tatum dancing together and even a kickline with Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Daniel Radcliffe who both have a song & dance man inside of them.
  2. As stupid as that "we saw your boobs" number was -- it would have been much funnier if it were shorter -- the actresses who filmed reaction shots were good sports with solid comic timing and the Kate Winslet punchline was great. (Oh shut up, I bet she laughed from home). In an evening full of dumb jokes, inevitably some of them will land. 
  3. Later in the show when he wasn't taking up so much space he was better. His introductions were sometimes amusing (loved the Channing Tatum / Jennifer Aniston intro) and I especially enjoyed the "needs no introduction" introduction for you know who, didn't you? I mean, she doesn't! 

Do you have against-the-grain kind words for Seth MacFarlane or are you already making a mental list of 500 celebrities who would have done a better job last night? (If so care to share a few of them?) 

And why does anyone want the job of hosting -- beyond the cash -- given that it's rather like having a worldwide target on your tuxedo'ed back? 

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