Stranger Things 2: Does It Live Up to the Hype?

By Spencer Coile
In 2016, the first season of Stranger Things premiered with little fanfare. Although critically well-received, it was not the cultural icon it is considered today. Roughly about one month after it dropped on Netflix, though, everyone (and I mean everyone) was buzzing about the sci-fi show that oozed 80's nostalgia. It was a total genre piece, one that many assumed the Television Academy would not honor, but that did not stop it from picking up steam throughout the television season. After its SAG win for Best Ensemble, it went on to pick up 19 Emmy nominations (winning 5).
And still, its momentum continued to build -- between merhandise, soundtracks, Halloween costumes in excess, and even a #JusticeForBarb movement that no one saw coming, Stranger Things solidified itself as a show that everyone needed to see.
This last Friday, Netflix premiered the second season of Stranger Things. Unlike the series' first season, many were holding their breath in anticipation, building yet more hype, and setting lofty expectations after such a stellar first outing from The Duffer Brothers. Would it be as good a second time around?