2022 Emmy Category Analysis: Limited Series, Directing/Writing

by Nathaniel R
the riveting intriguing 1st episode of Station Eleven, "Wheel of Fire"
It's difficult to talk stats and predictions with the Limited Series categories since they've gone through so many identity shifts and upheavals in the past dozen years or so. For example, TV Movies are still eligible to compete for writing and directing prizes right here BUT they almost never do while TV Movies have always had their own top category BUT they used to be able to compete directly with limited series instead IF they were movie-length episodes of an Anthology Series. Confusing! Let it suffice to say that there is only a little data that applies when predicting given frequent rule changes and the more Oscar-like shifts in eligibility since you can't usually honor the same things year after year. So we (mostly) have to go on pure feeling. And that's more fun anyway, so it's all good.
Let's discuss/predict...