Oscar History
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Entries in Zorro (4)


Interview: Gael García Bernal on Neruda, Zorro, and Other Characters

This weekend at the Golden Globes, an unexpected but not all that surprising reunion of the best friends / stars of the Oscar nominated road trip classic Y Tu Mama Tambíen (2001) occured. Both Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna came to international fame together in the early Aughts and they're both still riding high in movies from Hollywood and outside of it.

I had the opportunity to speak with Bernal a month ago about his sturdy career, its auteurist origins, and his current busy playfulness. He's now juggling streaming television stardom (Mozart in the Jungle), occasional directing gigs, frequent producing duties, upcoming starring roles (Zorro?) and still doing what he was doing in his very first years of fame: headlining artistically ambitious Spanish language Oscar submissions. Though neither of his current films (Mexico's Desierto and Chile's Neruda) made Oscar's finalist list, Neruda did receive a well deserved Golden Globe nomination.

Gael full plate is just rewards for his sturdy talent and impressive range but it's also a very happy reminder that some mesmerizing debuts like his own in the Oscar nominated Amores Perros (2000) don't result in flash in the pan quick fades but long and beautiful careers.

NATHANIEL R: Your first movie Amores Perros was an international success and you've been busy ever since. How much of this career did you imagine for yourself back then?

Click to read more ...


National Film Registry: A Sirk, Some Ghostbusters, and Zorro

Nooooo. I almost forgot to share the National Film Registries new titles. Each year they add 25 pictures  that are deemed historically, culturally or aesthetically important. Each year I suggest that we should watch all the titles together. Well, the ones we can find at least. Perhaps we'll actually do that for 2016 -- you never know! Getting a spot on the National Film Registry is more symbolic than active. It does not guarantee preservation or restorations but it does suggest that these films should all be preserved and/or restored.

The 2015 additions are:


  • Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze (1894) - watch it now. it's six seconds long... the earliest surviving copyrighted film
  • Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906) -watch it now. (7 minutes) from a short Winsor McCay comic strip
  • A Fool There Was (1915) -watch it now. (66 minutes) Theda Bara tempts a married man! It's always the woman's fault, don't you know 
  • Humoresque (1920) - not the Joan Crawford film inspired by this story!
  • The Mark of Zorro (1920) -watch it now (88 minutes) the Douglas Fairbanks version
  • Black and Tan (1929) -watch it now -(15 minutes) short jazz film with Duke Ellington
  • Dracula (1931) - the Spanish language version
  • Our Daily Bread (1934) - King Vidor's socialist drama
  • The Old Mill (1937) - animated short Oscar winner
  • Hail the Conquering Hero (1944) - Preston Sturges comedy
  • The Story of Menstruation (1946) - documentary short
  • John Henry and the Inky-Poo (1946) - animated short Oscar nominee
  • Winchester '73 (1950) -western with Jimmy Stewart and Shelley Winters
  • Imitation of Life (1959) - Douglas Sirk's awesome melodrama
  • Seconds (1966) -thriller starring Rock Hudson
  • Portrait of Jason (1967) - LGBT documentary
  • Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (1968) - a documentary about filmmaking
  • The Inner World of Aphasia (1968) -documentary about aphasics
  • Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer (1975) - a biographical doc
  • Being There (1979) - the Hal Ashby dramedy with Peter Sellers
  • Ghostbusters (1984) - the comic blockbuster currently undergoing a gender flip
  • Top Gun (1986) -you feel the need. the need for speed
  • Sink or Swim (1990) - documentary about formative childhood
  • The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - that insanely beloved prison drama
  • LA Confidential (1997) - the awesome neo noir


Big thanks to Matthew Rettenmund of Boy Culture for pointing out this insanely cool bit of trivia about the list:

Of special note: Mother and daughter Lupita Tovar (the world's oldest living actress at age 105) and Susan Kohner were in the Spanish-language Dracula (1931) and Imitation of Life (1959), respectively.

You may recall that Mexican actress Lupita Tovar recently took up the throne or oldest living screen star after the death of Luise Rainer. The super cool thing to know about Lupita Tovar is that she is the grandmother of Chris Weitz and Paul Weitz, both filmmakers (Paul wrote and directed Grandma this year) so her cinematic legacy lives on.

Though the titles are selected by the National Film Preservation Board and Library staff, the public can nominate titles here if you wanna get a jump start on their 2016 list. The movies have to be at least 10 years old so no "OMG THE FORCE AWAKENS WAS AMAZING!" because they will shut that right down. 



TV Blend Mad Men Season 7 key art features a famous graphic designer - April 13th, y'all
My New Plaid Pants first pic of Dane Dehaan as James Dean in yet another bio of the actor
/Film gross... the proposed reboot of Zorro is going to be Dark Knight-esque. Good god, Hollywood, be smarter. Anyone interested in Zorro, its own brand which is why you're rebooting it, is going to expect light swashbuckling FUN.  

New Now Next Teen Wolf adding a third gay character for season 4. (Weird that they haven't expanded the opening credits sequence to feature the other regulars from the ever expanding show.)
Towleroad RuPaul teaches his Pit Crew to "Sissy That Walk"
Guardian Idris Elba providing the voice of Shere Khan in the new live action/CGI Jungle Book
Fashionista costume designer extraordinaire Janie Bryant on what's next for her after Mad Men wraps
i09 on 30 cult movies everyone should see once. I love this type of list except for when they put something totally mainstream on it. It's mostly solid until Lost Boys? nope. try again. Saw it in theaters opening weekend, had a major release not cult at all but standard grab for teen audience. I think it was even a minor hit.
Gawker Lindsay Lohan already complaining about her reality show's portrait of her 
Attitude Jamie Lee Curtis, suddenly busy again, in addition that pilot she's shooting is producing a biopic film about a gay baseball player 
/bent has a handy list of all the LGBT filmmakers on twitter. Follow! 

This is what Glenn Close was wearing underneath her long dress! She wins.Oscar Crumbs
... the internet is still sweeping up the party
Confabulations Brian (StinkyLulu) and Aaron discuss the Oscars
Gothamist Poor Leo. Now his 1990s teen self is appearing all over Manhattan 
My Space you must read this hilarious Oscar report from Jennifer Lawrence's bestie. 

❝I am one of maybe two non-famous people there. I kind of just sit there and smile creepily when someone catches me staring—shout out to Penelope Cruz.❞

wimp a pretty amazing video of the control room during an acceptance speech (Cuba Gooding Jr's in this case)... and this reminds me how glad we are that they didn't play people off this year
Guardian oh, so that's why Andrew Garfield wasn't at the Oscars! 
Dissolve on social media and the Oscars 
Slate really fun conversation about sexism and actress backlashes that's focused on Gwynnie, Hathaway, and the recent success of Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyong'o 

Today's Watch
This video from the Oscars official account is titled in such a way that you think it's going to be a history of Best Actress but it's just about Oscar with famous Actresses educating you on the history of AMPAS: Katharine Hepburn, Olivia de Havilland, a brunette Grace Kelly (!!!) and Anne Bancroft who wins with a little winking trivia about Oscar gaining weight. 


Reader of the Day: BBats

As part of Reader Appreciation Month, We're doing mini interviews with readers. Get to know other members of the Film Experience community!

First up is Alex or BBats. We featured one of his 'taste test' YouTube videos ages ago and so we're checking back in with him.

Nathaniel: Do you remember your first filmgoing experience?
Alex: My first vivid memory is seeing Tim Burton's Batman in the theaters.  I remember how scary and funny the Joker was and how dark and mysterious the color of the film was. Also, when they are messing up the museum looked like such fun.

When did you start reading The Film Experience?
I think I was a freshman in college, so 2003 or 2004. I just loved the language and how much affection for film there was.

I understand you're an actor yourself. What do you love about it and how is it going?
I love making films and the idea of creating stories and scenarios for characters to see what they'll do, cause and effect. Acting is going alright. Nothing happens overnight and sometimes it feels like your banging your head against a brick wall.  I haven't been auditioning as much recently because it can be really depressing. Once I auditioned for a car commercial, and when I didn't get it, I lost it.  Then I realized, "is this what I should care about?" So I've been doing a lot of writing, short films, and things I like and love.  I hope to make a film of some substance in the future.

Best wishes on that, truly. These days what does your moviegoing diet consist of?
Living in LA, I have the luxury of movie houses like the Cinefamily, The Vista, the Arclight and the New Beverly, not to mention the limited releases that open here.  I see a movie in a theater probably about twice a week, and Netflix Instant about four or five times a week. I am horrible at returning my Netflix dvd's, I still have Winter's Bone sitting here over a week after I watched it. 

Have you ever dressed up as a movie character for Halloween?
One of my first costumes as a child was Zorro. Zorro rules. 

Christian Bale in "Scenes From BBats Life"

Has a movie characters ever dressed up as you?
I'm pretty sure the when Christian Bale stepped off the helicopter with three ladies, he was dressed as me. 

Your favorite actress. Go!
Ginger Rogers. So pretty and versatile.  Anything with her and Fred Astaire is heaven. I love the actresses of old, something about that style of acting really brought out their sexiness, charm, and radiance.  Special mention goes to Ida Lupino.


all reader of the day posts: Yonatan, Keir, Kyle, Jamie, Vinci, Victor, Bill, Hayden, Dominique, Murtada, Cory, Walter, Paolo, Leehee, BBats