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20:10 "You're allowed to make a statement."

Three years ago at the original blog, I created a series called 20:07 which became one of the most popular TFE features ever and spawned a slew of imitators 'round the web. Just for fun, let's resurrect that ol' pet for the remainder of Oscar season as we finish celebrating the films of 2010 before the new film year begins.

Screen capture: 20th minute and 10th second* -- or thereabouts. I worry about my dvd player's clock --  of The Social Network


Mark Zuckerberg: I've -- you know, I've already apologized in The Crimson to the ABHW to Fuerza Latina and to any women at Harvard who may have insulted as I take it they were. As for any charges stemming from the breach of security I believe I deserve some recognition from this board.

Administrator: I'm sorry.

Zuckerberg: Yes.

Administrator: I don't understand

Zuckerberg: Which part?

Be here tomorrow morning for the announcement of the Oscar nominations and commentary all day. Here's my complete prediction list and my ALMOST complete dream ballot (aka the annual film bitch awards. Everything is done sans writeups for reasons previously explained and the actress categories). ALMOST because it was a super tough day and I'm sick on top of that. Argh. My timing is terrible. But tomorrow is another day!

Are you all jittery waiting for tomorrow morning to get here? Will you get any sleep? It's totally Christmas morning to yours truly.

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Reader Comments (20)

What exactly is wrong with the DVD player clock?

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew R.

I am TOTALLY with you on the Christmas morning thing. They come out at 12:30am Wednesday morning in Australia, so i am FREAKING out waiting for them. I wish i could sleep and wake up for them, but i have to wait.

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNic

For some reason, I think Halle Berry could be more of a possible sneak attack on the actress category than people think...Idk, she just keeps popping into my head. Highly doubt she'll make it though.

But I'm soo excitedddd!

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

I cannot wait.

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

Haven't said it yet, but I approve of this resurrection.

And I went to church today to pray for tomorrow. SO NERVOUS/EXCITED/ANXIOIS/GONNA BE PISSED/AND/OR/HAPPY.

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJonathon

I have a feeling The Social Network will be this generation's All the President's Men. Just look at the similarities:

• impeccable casting featuring two lovable leads and a slew of memorable supporting players
• a docudrama feel
• competent direction
• an Academy Award-winning (yep) screenplay that pulls you in and never lets go

and finally...

• Its achievements have been overshadowed by its subject matter and will likely only be fully appreciated once time has given everyone enough distance from the zeitgeistiness of it all.

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbadmofo

But more to the point, if Hilary Swank's name is called tomorrow I just might break something.

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbadmofo

.... better than Christmas morning!

Hoping for Jacki Weaver and Julianne Moore!

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTravis

Omg if I hear Hilary Swank, I might just kill myself on the spot.

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

For those of you hoping for a Bening win, a surprise Swank nomination would be the best possible surprise, no?

I'm hoping for a crazy Barbara Hershey nomination, and a super SUPER crazy Blue Valentine nomination. (Like, in any category. Please?)

January 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBryan

I will not be happy if these don't happen:Kids for picture, Aronofsky, Nolan, Gosling, Kidman, Kunis,Ruffalo, Reznor & Ross, Black Swan Sound, Gift Shop for Doc

If somehow any of these surprised, I'd be really excited: Cotillard, Eckhart,Tron Score, Swinton/Moore/Willams & No Lawrence, Never Let Me Go/Rabbit Hole/Animal Kingdom Screenplay, Another Year for Anything

These are likely to happen but I would find them boring and a waste: True Grit for pic / Steinfeld (supp)/Bridges/Damon, HBC, Renner, Wonderland for Anything

And finally these noms would really piss me off: Shutter Island or The Ghost Writer for Pic/Director, The Coen Brothers for Director, Steinfeld/Swank/Berry/Rapace in Lead Actress

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDean

Lesley Manville. That's all.

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoseph

Hey, Nathaniel, isn't it against the rules to release your ballot? Because Ziyi Zhang just posted all of her shit on her blog.

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJonathon

Theres is live streaming for those interested ;)

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPablo (COL)

I'm sorry, this is a liiiitle off topic, but regarding nominations - I just watched the Fighter today (it only came out here two days ago) and if Christian Bale isn't nominated in the LEAD category - gah!!

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRuth

Nicole Kidman has to be nominated

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAno

Power of positive thinking right Ano? I don't think the screenplay, Eckhart or Wiest have a chance in hell. Nicole better get nominated otherwise someone will have to pay for me staying up this late on the West Coast! lol

Live streaming


January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCity_Of_Lights

Is it just me, or has that quote from Social Network never made any sense? I have tried a million times to parse what is going on in that exchange and I just don't get it. None of my friends seem to either, and yet they found it compelling enough to include in the trailer. Can someone indulge me and explain what that little Zuckerberg convo means?

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichael H

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January 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlbert

“She’s Mother Theresa meets MacGyver” says Doug Broeska President of the CliniCard while visiting Sassoon Hospital in Pune, India. “She should probably at least be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine.”
That’s an impressive statement but also accurate when it comes to Dr. Aarti Kinikar, Head of Pediatrics at Sassoon Hospital in Pune, India (Pune is a city of nearly 10 million, just south of Mumbai, and Sassoon General Hospital is the biggest public hospital in the region). During the H1N1 Flu outbreak last year (2009-2010), Dr Kinikar was faced with a medical emergency seemingly out of all proportion to anyone’s ability to deal with it. Bodies were literally piling up outside of the hospital morgue and she feared that most of the young children and babies that were coming to Sassoon with severe breathing problems would be added to the growing pile. The hospital had only 4 working ventilators and was facing a steady flow of children to the pediatric ward that quickly swelled to a deluge of over 1200, all of whom were in severe respiratory crisis.
As the numbers of very sick children grew so did Dr. Kinikar’s resolve. There had to be way to create the bit of air flow needed to keep a child’s lungs breathing. “The best medication is sometimes oxygen, and even though the children had made it to the hospital, without it they might die right in front of you…that’s a helpless feeling for a doctor” said Kinikar. Motivated by equal parts of desperation and inspiration, Dr. Kinikar rigged a simple breathing tube device only with materials on hand. The PNC pressure device called a “nasal bubble CPAP device” (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) miraculously worked for 85% of the children who were treated. Although bubble CPAP has been around for decades, the device she rigged was much less elaborate than the expensive tubing and valve configurations that are commercially available by the same name. “I was taking a risk,” Kinikar said. “I didn’t know whether people would back me using a technique which didn’t seem to have much scientific push.” As a result of her willingness to step outside of convention, an estimated 500 childrens’ lives were saved at Sassoon Hospital because her fast thinking in a time of extreme crisis. A few dollars worth of plastic tubing had taken the place of much more expensive devices which weren’t available to the hospital at the height of the emergency anyway. http://www.ccsviclinic.ca/ . Continued in the next comment.. Full Article also available here.. http://ccsviclinic.ca/?p=793

February 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGreg Mills
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