Linking Out

The Wrap delivers the lightning-fast raves and the deafening silence for Tin Tin and J Edgar respectively.
Vanity Fair remembers super agent Sue Mendes (RIP)
i09 on a news item about modern research on The Black Death that will make Contagion even scarier!
In Contention Will Super 8 and Tin Tin win Sound Editing nominations?
L.A.M.B. held a little movie of the month / blogathon about Bronson (2008) starring Tom Hardy. That's a good movie to check back in on given what's become of both Hardy & its director Nicolas Winding Refn. You'd certainly never see Drive's (2011) exquisite control coming in this earlier picture... though you can easily see Refn's oversized personality reflected therein.
Finally, I'd like to say congratulations to Zachary Quinto (Heroes, Star Trek) who finally came out this weekend. Quinto has been one of those 'everybody knows' celebrities for quite a while and I have to admit that when he starred in the recent revival of Angels in America last year (which I thought he was quite good in) and especially when he did his own "it gets better" video, I was getting uncomfortable. It seemed strange to star in such a defining gay work and to chase it with an "it's totally okay to be gay!" message of tolerance while staying closeted. But... that's all past tense now. Good on him for doing the right thing. I especially like this bit on his official site: a gay life without publicly acknowledging it - is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality.
Damn straight! I mean... er.... yes, well, carry on. Well done Zachary! Live long and prosper.
Reader Comments (5)
Ugh.....for some reason, I really want J Edgar to flop. Badly.
The most recent trailer for Tin Tin is terrific. Was the first time I really got the sense that Spielberg might have something special brewing here. Really glad to hear the reviews out of Europe confirming that. Too bad people feel the need to take pot shots at War Horse sight unseen, though.
Yeah, I want J Edgar to tank as well. After last year, I need some proof that the Academy can reject something that seems tailor-made for them.
Even if it gets bad reviews and it doesn't do that well at the box office (it will do fine, it stars DiCaprio), I'm sure it'll get some Oscar nods, just like Invictus and Changeling did. I can't see Leo not getting nominated for this...
Nat, I'm one of the few (only?) who "didn't know" about ZQ. (I don't like to assume anything from taking on an acting role, of course.) I found it especially significant that he came out after a teenager who had also made an "It Gets Better" video had committed suicide.
Hopefully in the future public figures won't ever be pressured to stay in the closet in the first place. I think we're getting to that day, slowly (baby steps).
BTW - can he still be one of my few man-crushes?
" when he starred in the recent revival of Angels in America last year (which I thought he was quite good in) and especially when he did his own "it gets better" video, I was getting uncomfortable. It seemed strange to star in such a defining gay work and to chase it with an "it's totally okay to be gay!" message of tolerance while staying closeted. "
Sorry Nate but isn't this a bit closed minded. Can a straight actor not support folks who are struggling with homophobia or ACT in a play about gay people? Is this inconceivable? Isn't this sort of attitude just continuing the age-old marginalization of depictions of gay parts?