Small Screen Season

Nathaniel. Home again from a relaxing weekend offline. My last for the next six months as it's all prestige movies and Oscar hoopla from now until March.
I've had a lot of fun writing up True Blood during the summer (finale writeup tomorrow). I have no intention of turning the blog into The TV Experience but a little variety never hurt anyone and I might add a briefer small screen column -- possibly with guest bloggers on occasion-- or maybe just continue with the odd "TV at the Movies" episode. I'm cancelling HBO when True Blood ends. Why? Budget reasons and a clear lack of interest in their slate of original programs. I never thought I'd say the latter but it's too man-centric for me now, as if their entire programming directive is "get me more Sopranos / Entourages ... literally. put them in period garb or relocate the action. whatever". I miss the Sex & The City / Six Feet Under / Sopranos days when the network felt more equal opportunity thrilling and more original ... as if their goal was to corner every market that was demanding quality television. The point: I have a lot of DVR openings now given cancellations, loss of interest in longrunning shows, delays, etcetera... so I may take a deeper looker (offline) at the new season offerings -- which basically start tomorrow with RINGER -- than I normally do.
Christian Borle, Debra Messing and Anjelica Huston in SMASH (2012)
The new show I'm most interested in is Smash, the first television series (to my knowledge) that's ever used Broadway musicals as its topic. In one of those daydream fantasies where one imagines oneself a tv creator this is always the topic I dreamed up for MY series that I would direct and produce (fantasizing remember... I do neither of those things). I imagined just such a show so many times. I wish they had gone with Broadway musical stars in the major roles (it'll be weird that Glee uses more of them given the respective topics) but Katharine McPhee (from American Idol) has a good voice and I'm intrigued to see how Oscar winner Anjelica Huston will fare in the key supporting role -- can she finally win the Emmy that's eluded her for the past 22 years despite frequent nominations?
But Smash doesn't premiere until 2012 so here are some shows I'm considering sampling -- which usually means just the first episode unless it's very intriguing -- primarily chosen for topics or actresses I like. As I do.
CLICK AHEAD FOR THE LIST AND READER POLLING -- I'm curious about your watching habits from none to too much.
Buffy ♥
Sarah Michelle Gellar who helped make Buffy the Vampire Slayer the greatest series ever is finally back in this story of twin sisters and identity theft. People I trust like the pilot episode. Cross your fingers.
Curio Factor
American Horror Story OR Revenge OR Terra Nova
Family drama with horror / ghostly elements from Ryan Murphy (Nip/Tuck, Glee) starring Connie Britton (♥) and Dylan McDermott... and get, this, Jessica Lange! The advertisements have been interesting on this one including a weird pregnant mother levitation poster. Here's the odd 'family portrait' teaser.
I can't imagine that Ryan Murphy isn't spread too thin these days for this to really work but I don't want to go without Connie Britton in my life post FNL. Unless I have to (like say if she makes a show where she doesn't have a real character to play. I've yet to find an actor that makes all-exposition dialogue or 'i'm-totally-defined-by-other-characters' types riveting.).
Revenge is a prime time soap that's supposedly loosely based on The Count of Monte Cristo. Here's the key thing (for me): Madeleine Stowe, a film actress from the 90s who I was really into (I seem to be the only one but goddammit she was great in Short Cuts and Last of the Mohicans) finally returns to acting in the key villain role after over a decade of very low profile-ness. Finally, Terra Nova is from executive producer Steven Spielberg and is about a family transferred back to prehistoric earth. With dinosaurs! Dinosaurs are always a plus for one's inner child.
Boring Genre/ Fine Actor
A Gifted Man OR Prime Suspect
I tend to snooze when it comes to procedurals and Lord knows TV doesn't need any more of them after CSI and L&O bred like bunny rabbits with both official children and bastards popping up all over the place. But then there's Patrick Wilson(♥) and Maria Bello (♥) to consider.
Fairy Tale Madness
Grimm OR Once Upon a Time
Apparently all the networks decided they needed fantasy / procedural/ drama / urban fantasy hybrids all at once -- there are others, too -- but in both cases here the springboard concepts aren't any more terrible than say how Buffy the Vampire Slayer would sound if you didn't yet know that Joss Whedon was a genius. You know? I'll watch the pilots.
Film actresses headlining TV series this year: MARIA BELLO, CHRISTINA RICCI, ZOOEY DESCHANEL
Girlish Sitcoms
I Hate My Teenage Daughter OR The New Girl
The first is a sitcom about two single moms raising daughters. The title/concept sounds hateful but then so did Cougar Town and Raising Hope which are both hilarious and high quality. If there's a laugh track I won't even last through the pilot on either but Katie Finneran (♥) is always a delight to watch. The latter stars Zooey Deschanel and, well, I might peek. But I fear generic times ten with twee side dishes.
Mad Men Inspired
Pan Am OR The Playboy Club
Stylish adult costume heavy series. Wheeee. Pan Am looks more promising but that's probably because the costumes look fun and Christina Ricci looks fun in them. Too handsome to be a real human Eddie Cibrian and out starlet Amber Heard headline the other one, The Playboy Club.
I'd love to hear which shows you're planning to sample as the Fall Season begins in the comments.
Also for TFE reference please answer the following polls.
Which of these still running shows that I watch regularly or semi-regularly do you watch?
Would you enjoy a live blog of the EMMYs hear at The Film Experience?
Reader Comments (28)
I would LOVE a live blog of the Emmys!!!
I agree with your overall sentiments about HBO. A few years ago, it seemed like they could do no wrong (they were like the Pixar of TV, except with a lot more swearing, nudity, and violence). Now it just seems like they're struggling to live up to those standards now that The Sopranos, Deadwood, The Wire, etc. are all long gone. I'm not sure how other people felt, but I personally thought this season of Curb Your Enthusiasm was the weakest one yet, with only 2 or 3 episodes matching the show's usual high level of quality.
Yes, live blog from the emmys!! Please do it! Please please please please!
where's the illegal download option? you may be against it but it's probably one of the more popular options and kind of silly not to include.
I saw 'Smash' and loved every second of it. You'll be surprised by a lot of the performances - my only worry would be sustaining the storyline throughout an entire season.
I would really enjoy a live blog of the Emmys!
And concerning Ringer, I'm looking forward to it mostly for the same reason everyone else is (BUFFY'S BACK TO TV!) but I read this review which takes that way of thinking into acount and it seemed reasonable enough to discourage me a little:
where's the illegal download option? (2)
I watch way too much TV, and I usually try to sample most or all the pilots. Seriously, when the fall schedules are announced, I even make a little spreadsheet to see if there's any overlap. I feel like I should be embarassed about that, but strangely enough, I'm not. Hmm . . .
Anyway, my recommendations from the choices Nat gave:
"Prime Suspect": Mostly because "A Gifted Man" just sounds goofy.
"Once Upon a Time": The reviews indicate that "Grimm" is basically a standard procedural (and a pretty bad one at that) that just happens to feature fantastical characters. "Once Upon a Time" seems to capture the fairy tale atmosphere much better.
"The New Girl": I watched the pilot for free in iTunes (and it's available on Hulu tomorrow), and I liked it, although I didn't think it was particularly laugh-out-loud funny. "I Hate My Teenage Daughter" is apparently the very embodiment of hateful, going to extremes to make all its female characters seem horrible or stupid. Plus a laugh track. Pass.
"Pan Am": Because it seems more fun, plus Eddie Cibrian from "Playboy" is, shall we say, somewhat limited as an actor.
Apologies for the testing post. Had some weird things happen to a previous post which got eaten up somehow.
Anyway, despite having a lot of channels to choose from, I basically only really follow True Blood, Game of Thrones, Hung, Food network, and some Movie Channels.
Surprised we don't have more coverage of 'Hung' as that it's a fabulous show, a funny adult comedy about a down on his luck phys education teacher (with a big willie) who due to financial difficulties moonlights as gigolo. His life is further complicated by his relationships with his two female pimps, one of whom he has a genunie friendship with, and the other who he's physically attracted to, but who's a social climbing user.
Nathan don't cancel HBO. Laura Dern has a brand new comedy series Enlightened. The show is created by Mike White, he co-stars with Diane Ladd and Luke Wilson.
Diane Keaton is still in the HBO business after not having her pilot Tilda picked up. Word is they're creating something else for her currently.
Showgirls survivor Gina Gershon has signed on to HBO series How To Make It In America.
/3rtfull -- as much as i love Laura Dern and that show looks interesting, literally nothing else from their series lineup appeals to me. Honestly How to make it... just seems like Entourage only more working class.
blinking -- i haven't watched much Hung myself (but have seen a few episodes) and it didn't really grab me. Plus lately i've been turned off by Thomas Jane's quotes about gay sex... dude, we don't need to hear about how you are grossed out by it and will quit the show if your character ever does any. you're an actor actor playing a prostitute.
Liz -- laugh track? GODDAMNIT. i want success for Katie Finneran but yeah, pass. I really can't stomach them at all. I feel like i'm watching something made decades ago when i hear one. something unfunny at that.
She has six.
My ceramic penguin always faces due south is on her ninth nomination. Pending Sunday's outcome she'll be more overdue than Anjel.
Pleeeeeeease do a Emmy live blog! As I'll have to work when it's taking place because of the time difference (living in Norway), I would love to read it afterwards.
I would have voted for illegal downloading as well. It is impossible to watch American TV in Spain if you follow the law unless you want to see the same episodes from Friends and The Simpsons for all eternity...
Wow. We appear to be pretty much interested in the same new shows this season! Except for "A Gifted Man" "New Girl" and "I hate my teenage daughter".
The ones I'm keenest on are Ringer (she's back!!!) and Terra Nova (dinosaurs + Spielberg? hell yes!!!)
I'm a bit cautious about Prime Suspect (remakes, damn!), but I love Maria Bello and the original series was so excellent (although I doubt anyone can match up to Helen Mirren) I'm actually praying for this one to be almost as good! ;)
Revenge I was like "naaaah", until I heard it was inspired by the Count of Monte Cristo (which I've read several times, I'm a big fan of Dumas), so I figure I'll give it a shot. I've seen the pilot which was quite promising (except for a death early on that kind of takes away some of the season's suspense). And yeah, Madeleine Stowe is wonderful!
I'll give most of these a try. But I don't know how many I'll stick around with. I already have enough trouble keeping track of Fringe, Bones, House, Vampire Diaries, Good Wife... ;)
On a True Blood side note, I'd love some feedback on a post I've just written comparing this past season to the book it's "supposedly" based on:
I've been offline most of the summer so I've missed your recaps, but I'll be checking in tomorrow to see what you have to say about the finale and season in general! :)
"Would you enjoy a live blog of the EMMYs here at The Film Experience?"
Is that a serious question? I don't get it.
The New Girl looks like an embarrasing detour for Zooey's career, I give it 5 episodes before it gets canned, but that means it will have four more episodes than Whitney, which looks FAR FAR worse.
In chatting with my girlfriend, I think the only shows we're looking forward to once Doctor Who wraps up for the season are Dexter (barely)...and whenever The Walking Dead comes back (again barely, being in Atlanta helps with that)
Oh Mad Men and Game of Thrones, come back to me soon.
I saw the pilot for Smash...Katharine McPhee gives off a real "star is born" vibe. I think, if this show is a success, she could see some very big things happening.
For an existing show to check-out, I'd want to say Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but by the end of season 3 (the last season I have on DVD) it gets VERY misanthropic, to the point that the last two episodes are a bit painful to watch. (And this comes from a guy who enjoys Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.)
volvagia -- i like JTHM too (though I far prefer SQUEE!). but i am totally not into entering existing shows unless i was there from the beginning (which is why i check out tv pilots even though i don't watch as much television as the average person.)
So glad to see you express some love for Raising Hope - one of my favorite new shows last season. I just love it. Sometimes I even like it better than Modern Family. It sucks that Ringer is on at the same time as Raising Hope and New Girl (the pilot for which is free on iTunes and is totally charming). Thank God for DVR!
I hear you on HBO. We actually have whatever premium cable package gets you everything, just so we could get BBC America (which, despite Doctor Who, is turning out to be a disappointment - it's all Top Gear and Gordon Ramsay), and aside from Game of Thrones and True Blood and the occasional movie when nothing else is on we really don't watch HBO at all. Hung was good in the beginning but then got to be way too depressing for me. Showtime even less, what with the decline of Weeds and cancellation of US of Tara.
I cannot wait for Smash. The preview looks incredible, and I really liked Katharine McPhee on Idol. Prime Suspect allowed for great actressing from Helen Mirren during its UK run, so I hope it does the same for Maria Bello, who deserves it. Might be into A Gifted Man too, if only because Patrick Wilson is so dreamy! I was excited about Grimm, but just about everyone hates the pilot, so it's looking like I can cross that one off my list. Wasn't really excited about Terra Nova, but my man is super into sci-fi so it's the only show he's really looking forward to. He'll probably get me super excited about it - just like he did with Doctor Who/Torchwood. Pan Am looks like a ton of fun, but Playboy Club does not (Eddie Cibrian, who really is too handsome to be real, just looks like he's doing a Don Draper impersonation - and a bad one at that). I am really excited for Revenge, because I've been hankering for a really fun, bitchy primetime soap and I ADORE Madeline Stowe (Last of the Mohicans - SIGH). I'm intrigued by American Horror Story, but Ryan Murphy has a tendency to go off the rails that could make this show really unwatchable.
Do you not watch The Good Wife, Nathaniel? Juliana Marguiles does some PRIMO actressing on that show, as do Archie Panjabi and Christine Baranski, although their characters are less showy. And Alan Cumming is a regular this season, and he is gold in that part.
John-Paul, I thought I was the only one who thought this season of "Curb" is weak compared to last season. There are only a few episodes that are really funny (I can think of the Periscope and the finale episode).
I'm interested in Ringer (I'll give it a watch), but I'm most excited about PARENTHOOD. It's a syrupy drama, but the actors are soooooo good that they make the sometimes simple story believable. I'm glad that people like Raising Hope too, but I wish more people give the MIDDLE a try. I wasn't interested in it in the beginning, but I'm getting to like it more, plus the hot son seems to be always
Can't wait for:
Dexter, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Smash, Enlightened, and Cougartown
I have to say Modern Family lost me last year. The first season was so good and I felt like they were trying to repeat a lot of the jokes and they became predictable.
denny -- i already responded to this but the blog seems to have eaten my response :( . I watched the Pilot episode of THE GOOD WIFE and really hated it... and since reviews were golden for the pilot i figured it was not one of those things as in "it took awhile to find it's groove" but just one of those things were it wasn't for me.
marshall1 -- i don't mind Parenthood and watch (sort of) if friends are watching but i can't really say i'd ever turn it on of my own accord. I don't watch The Middle because I am totes allergic to Patricia Heaton.
The only two new shows that have had ads that have caught my eye are Terra Nova (<3 dinos) and New Girl (<3 Zoey). Spielberg and dinos make for a great combination but unless he's directly involved with the show (which I bet he isn't) I think it will be more like Jurassic Park III than Jurassic Park I so I'm going to be skipping. Besides, the ads for the show look really dumb. I think I will watch new girl though. The character seems to really pop out. Hopefully, she will help me with my Michael Scott withdrawal I will be sure to experience this fall.
Must chime in and recommend Boardwalk Empire as a reason to keep your HBO, stellar acting all around. I will check out Maria Bello because I am always for giving another strong actress part a chance (and try to put Prime Suspect out of mind to give it a fair shake). Speaking of which I second Denny's comments on A Good Wife as it gives some strong actresses A Good Job (plus the added icing of Alan Cumming).
Nathaniel- Well if it's not for you, then it's not for you. But Juliana really is great, and they have done an excellent job of integrating the ongoing story with the "case-of-the-week" in just about every episode. And the guest stars they get as the judges also do wonderful things with (usually) very small parts. And Josh Charles has grown into quite the yummy man. I'm very excited to see what happens this season.
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