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Oscar Nominations for 2011 (2012 Ceremony)

BEAR WITH ME AS I UPDATE! MORE COMING INCLUDING A PODCAST! ENTIRE OFFICIAL NOMINATION CHART IS COMPLETE (individual category pages will reflect the nominations by end of the day with more intricate updates to come)

We've finally arrived. So many shockers this year in the nominations including nine best pictures. Most people assumed, given the complicated math required to become a Best Picture nominee, that the number would be closer to five than ten. A nine nominee total indicates that there wasn't a ton of consensus. Lots of pictures had passionate bases.

Things I was right off the top of my head: If Mara made it she would bump out Tilda. I got Moneyball exactly right in each category. Supporting Actress perfect score. Chico & Rita for animated film!
Things I was wrong about off the top of my head: I overestimated the nomination tally of The Help and underestimated War Horse, Dragon Tattoo and Extremely Loud (but then didn't everyone?).  


  • The Artist Thomas Langmann, Producer
  • The Descendants Jim Burke, Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor,Producers
  • Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Scott Rudin, Producer
  • The Help Brunson Green, Chris Columbus and Michael Barnathan, Producers
  • Hugo Graham King and Martin Scorsese, Producers
  • Midnight in Paris Letty Aronson and Stephen Tenenbaum, Producers
  • Moneyball Michael De Luca, Rachael Horovitz and Brad Pitt, Producers
  • The Tree of Life Nominees to be determined
  • War Horse Steven Spielberg and Kathleen Kennedy

FULL CHART FOR EVERY CATEGORY  -individual pages not yet complete but the chart is fully "official" now.
MY HITS AND MISSES - prediction stats, bragging rights, shameful stumbles
PODCAST - has been recorded! Waiting for iTunes to receive it.

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Reader Comments (106)

Lucky -- Danny Glover

January 24, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter//3|RT

Well, I was pleasantly surprised.

First of all, I had to say as a Canadian and a Quebecer to see M. Lazhar get a nomination was pretty great. It does seem that the Canadians have done pretty well, at least since this prelimenary list started for the foreign category. Don't think the film will win, but good on you, Philippe Falardeau.

Best Actor: I thought Dujardin, Pitt and Clooney were shooins, but I thought we would see only one discrepancy with the academy's five. I thought Fassbender was definitely in, but I thought if would be either Oldman or Bichir, not both. So that was interesting
Best Actress: Nothing really different just that I am happy that there is at least one first timer here. I was hoping Close would be gone, but Swinton doesn't seem to care from what I have read.

One thing though, I really love Meryl Streep, but I am ready for her to not be nominated next year. Not that she's an awful actress, quite the contrary. I'm just a bit pissed to see her get a default nomination every year. She may win this year so that may be the way to break the streak.
Best Supporting Actor: It's pretty standard. I didn't expect to see Nolte and Van Sydow together. I had never heard of Warrior. I definitely thought Brooks would be there and either of the other two.
Best Supporting Actress: Quelle surprise: Though I would have swapped out McTeer for Woodley just to have our first all newcomer category since 2000 when Angelina Jolie won her Oscar.

I am a guy who likes movies but is always impressed at all the 1st timers each year. To see all the new people this year is kind of surreal. It's Molly! It's the guy from Superbad! The "gars" from "Un Gars, Une Fille" I know that there are a lot of people who may get angry at the fact that certain people got snubbed, and that now we have to say phrases like "Academy Award nominee Jonah Hill" but I think it's cool. Why shouldn't they ever get nominated? I think it's okay for them to have a shot at the spotlight, even if it ends up being their only ever nomination.

January 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

I was at the dentist when the nominations were announced and could hardly concentrate on what the hygienist was telling me :)

So glad for Bechir getting in! I had a feeling his role was getting traction like Javier Bardem in Biutiful a few years ago.

I'm so glad Gary Oldman can put "Oscar nominee" on resume now and will (hopefully) quit saying yes to any role that is offered to him. I have a feeling he will win for career honors since Pitt is likely to show up again (let's face it - for being such a great actor, Oldman is in a lot of crap).

January 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterK

@Lucky - isn't Peter O'Toole still the President of that Club?

January 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJanice

Oh, wait, you were talking about the "Never Nominated" club, weren't you? Never mind.

January 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJanice

Yeah, I meant actors who've never been nominated. And I'm happy to announce Donald Sutherland took over the presidency.

January 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLucky
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