'Hit Me' Baby One More Time

Are you flesh or are you spirit?"
I am sorrow."
Oh cheer up, 'Chelle. "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" returns in exactly one week here at The Film Experience.
Join in on the Ladyhawke (1985) fun by selecting your favorite shot from this 80s fantasy by Wednesday March 21st at 10 PM when we post ours. The movie is filled with beautiful shots with the great cinematographer Vittorio Storaro behind the camera and Rutger Hauer & LaPfeiffer in front of it. We'll link up to all participating entries.
03/21 Ladyhawke (1985)
03/28 Bonnie & Clyde (1967)
04/04 Easter Parade (1948)
... and more to come provided y'all participate.
Reader Comments (2)
I wished you had it returned today, so you can started it with Pi.
Pussy Goes Grrr is totally in for the season! Finally, an excuse to watch Ladyhawke... provided we can track it down somewhere.