Chart Revision & Trivia: Supporting Actress

June SquibbHaving recently seen Nebraska a second time (full review coming), I'm more confident that Alexander Payne favorite June Squibb (who played Jack Nicholson's wife in About Schmidt) can ride her scene-stealing laughs in the new film to a nomination. The film opened yesterday in limited release and though the Oscar attention is all on Bruce Dern at the moment, that could well change since the film is endearing on more than just the Dern-level.
Trivia Alert #1 If June Squibb is nominated she will be the third oldest nominee ever in the Supporting Actress category after Gloria Stuart (Titanic) and Ruby Dee (American Gangster)
August Osage County and Jennifer Lawrence trivia after the jump
Having recently seen August: Osage County for the first time -- I know I know. I need to share my thoughts -- I no longer feel so antsy about predicting Margo Martindale, who was the safest best even before filming began due to the timing in her career and the role itself. The reviews for the films have been both weirdly generous and withholding... it seems like everyone has won breathless raves (even those who are merely good) but none have won the consensus ribbon of "Best in Show". In a better world, one where awards-voting bodies thought for themselves, that might make August: Osage County a fascinating case study in non-consensus with Supporting Actress prizes popping up regularly though not for the same actress leading to a wildly tumultous awards season. But in the world we do live in, chances are that the voting bodies will just go with whoever wins the earliest honors and stay "on trend". So it's all up to the those who cry "first!" -- the ones who are willing to vote even before they've had a chance to see all of the year's pictures.
Trivia Alert #2 If Jennifer Lawrence is nominated for American Hustle she's going to break an Oscar record. She'll be officially the youngest performer (at 23) to ever win 3 acting nominations. The record currently breaks down like so...
Youngest to 3 Nominations (Lead & Support)
- Teresa Wright for Little Foxes, Pride of Yankees and Mrs Miniver by 24. (Disclaimer: Mickey Rooney actually wins this if you count his special Juvenile Award as he was nominated for Best Actor twice for Babes in Arms and The Human Comedy by the age of 23)
- Natalie Wood for Rebel Without a Cause, Splendor in the Grass and Love with the Proper Stranger by 25.(Neither Teresa nor Natalie were ever nominated again. Too much too soon?)
- Kate Winslet for Sense & Sensibility, Titanic and Iris and...
Jennifer Jones for The Song of Bernadette, Since You Went Away, and Love Letters -both by 26. - Elizabeth Taylor for Raintree County, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and Suddenly Last Summer by 27.
Reader Comments (55)
I'm still rooting for a Paulson nomination! The first clip of American Hustle was released yesterday, and Lawrence looks... interesting.
But too young,Roberts is definitely in with N'yongo,Winfrey,Squibb and either Martindale or Paulson who should have been nommed in 2011 for mmmm for those double nominees in the supp actress category.
Pulling for that Léa Seydoux nomination so hard. It could happen if the Osage ladies split, and if Octavia doesn't have the #1 votes, and if Nebras......sigh. At least there's always the Film Bitch Awards.
So hoping for Sally Hawkins to get in. I really think it can happen if they nominate the film in Best Picture.
I'm convinced Lawrence is a glorified cameo in the movie but a scene-stealing juicy role that may get some precursors. I think Adams is going into supporting.
Team Paulson
I feel like we cannot underestimate Harvey on A:OC. I feel like he is going to be a source of scorn during nomination day.
I'm rooting for Martindale to miss for no other reason but to spite the Bates deniers. She should have played this part and Christoph Waltzed her way into a fourth nomination. Three female Oscar winners in a ensemble is better than two.
And I hope to God that Spencer doesn't get anywhere near Sup Actress this year. She didn't deserve the nomination the first time and the fact she won ever conceivable prize including BAFTA blinds me from all rational thought.
Margo Martindale should've played the lead in A:OC. Don't be mad that one of the few people in the cast with marginally less fame than the fan choices got the part.
And I am probably in the minority in saying this but Octavia Spencer & Jessica Chastain was the only watchable parts of The Help for me.
So if everyone has different MVPs in August, shouldnt that apply to Margo too and put her on the same level as Julia? Also, this looks like it's one of Meryl's worst-reviewed roles, certainly since Doubt... I mean with TIME and numerous other reviews saying Julia gives the better performance -that's completely unprecedented.
bacio -- except there is no confusion with Margo who is a supporting role (and the supporting role that traditionally wins attention at awards, at least in the theater) for a supporting actress. Julia is a lead actress in a lead role that is campaigning as supporting... and i guess we're reading different reviews. I dont think there's any concensus that Julia is "better" than Meryl in this. Or at least i haven't read those reviews.
if it were anyone other than Meryl though I *would* wonder if they'd be snubbed on Oscar nom morning given the tightness of best actress (which is still six women if Adams is great with a seventh critical darling and a few beloved outliers)
...i should add "i'm sure those reviews exist" but that doesn't mean it's the consensus opinion. Until the film actually opens I'm not buying any "consensus" arguments from the reviews i've seen/heard about ... other than that most critics seem to take some issues with the direction and movie as a whole though everyone seems to at least like the acting.
CMG -- nah. Margo is all wrong for Violet (though she's very good as Mattie Fae)
. but anyway you might be right about TWC's power of campaigning. If the film were better liked as a whole film it would be the type of thing that could get that VERY rare 3 acting nods in supporting thang.
There can't really be a consensus (yet) with like 20 reviews out, and many of them are indeed of minor publications/ private blogs / internet sites, but here we go:
"By the time the dramatic centerpiece – an early dinner featuring the whole Weston clan – comes to its knock-out ending, Roberts seals her status as best in show, just as Barbara finally claims her dominance in the household." (
"The truly impressive performance though came from Julia Roberts as Beverly and Violet’s eldest daughter Barbara." ... ells-2013/
"Strongest of all, however, is Roberts who redeems herself after her seemingly miscasting in another intimate drama, Closer, almost a decade ago." ( ... ilers.html )
"Based on the Tracy Letts's play, the revelation is how very good Julia Roberts is in a role that takes us all the way back to the freshness of "Mystic Pizza." Her Supporting Actress nom is a lock, while the role does border on lead." ( ... 22180.html )
"Her performance begins unremarkably, but quickly becomes her best work since “Erin Brockovich,” as she melts away into the character as best a household name can. Streep does similarly excellent work, giving layers to an innately loud and dominating screen presence." ( ... ge-county/ )
"At the top of the heap and best in show is the stunning and beautiful Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts ... Roberts is a revelation and reminds the world how good she really is. A sure-fire Oscar contender." ( ... ge-county-)
"It’s Roberts’s deepest, strongest, liveliest film work, which may well put her in the Best Actress competition against Streep. On Oscar Night, mother and daughter could fight it out again."
( ... z2eccjKJVT )
Well, all in all there are not many actual reviews for A:OC out there and I echo we should not underestrimate Weinstein. He's still a producer of A:OC, so he will do everything in his power to get it as much awards traction as he can.
Hope it doesn't happen for Jennifer Lawrence this year. I think she's a wonderful actress, although Silver Linings Playbook did nothing for me, but she has a long career before her and it would be a shame if the too many early noms pushed her out of the running as it seems to have with Natalie and especially Teresa Wright. Teresa didn't have a long starring career but no recognition for Shadow of a Doubt, The Best Years of Our Lives or The Men is just crazy.
I haven't seen August yet but love Margo and she is always worthy so it would be terrific if she gets a nomination.
You can't not be nominated when you're young, sexy, you have a killer line-delivery (she always has) and somebody is slapping your ass. It's gonna happen.
Now I am dying to hear your August: Osage County thoughts.... Sounds like you were not thrilled with Meryl or the movie :(
i just hope this category doesn't turn into a boring lovefest for Oprah. At this point I think she could win every award in a cakewalk. A:OC women will split votes, Lawrence could be nominated but will not win, Spencer's movie didn't get enough buzz and the men seem to be getting the most buzz from Nebraska. Lupita Ny'ongo could take it though. She is unknown but playing the most sympathetic character in the category. People will want to reward her if they make a connection with the character.
Nathaniel, what are your thoughts about all the talking around ScarJo's Oscar chances for her voice performance in "Her"? I think Jose who posted his reactions to Her's screening and he raved Johansson and I read an article about her chances in Los Angeles Times
also thanks for mentioning Jennifer Jones! She is one of my favorites and no one seems to ever talk about her and it makes me sad :(
I wouldn't mind Jennifer Lawrence stealing a slot again, and if she never comes back, who cares? She'd be brilliant in comedies and box office popcorn, so at this point she can do anything. I'm mostly just excited about August: Osage County, American Hustle and Nebraska spicing up the lame Supporting Actress category, where Nyong'o and Seydoux are the only ones so far this year I need to see stick around.
Rooting for Seydoux -- hopefully The Globes give her and Adele some love to kick things off.
Nat, have you seen Martindale's work in Justified and The Americans? I definitely think she's got a Violet in her, although I think her casting as Mattie Fay is the obvious way to go.
The thing working most for Scarlett, aside from a great body of work that is a re-introduction of sorts this year, is that the movie is under the WB distribution house and they are among the best in the business at working campaigns. Its biggest horse is Gravity which I think aside from minor technicals does not conflict in any way with the Her campaign.
I don't want to use 'unknown' to describe Lupita. She's a newcomer. Yale Drama School, in her first film. She has not been hidden from us because of dumb studio people not recognizing (though I have my fears/suspicions of her career going that way).
Lately I've been considering the possibility of NONE of the August ladies making it into Supporting Actress. The reaction to the movie is already quite mixed, to say the least, and I have a hunch that a lot of critics are going to (rightly or wrongly) have their knives out for it when it gets released. I frankly don't see it being much of a threat at the box office either. That's not to say acting nominations can't happen, and I do think Meryl will most likely get her nomination (though it's less certain than it usually is for her), but the whole thing with Julia going supporting makes me wonder. We all know the Academy has on occasion voted to overturn the studios' pushes for supporting campaigns (Whale Rider and The Reader come to mind), and I can't help but think that a sizable group of voters won't buy Julia as a supporting actress (and with good reason, I think). However, she definitely won't get enough votes in the lead category to score the nod there, so if that happens, it will just mean she doesn't get a nomination, period. And if she's out of the equation, I still don't think Martindale will be safe. I mean, it could be a Departed-like scenario where the supporting player we all thought was going to be nominated (Jack then, Julia now) gets snubbed while an ostensibly less likely one (Wahlberg then, Martindale now) gets in. But I don't know. I think there's a very real possibility that Meryl ends up with the film's only nomination.
Paul -- i haven't seen those. but physically, Meryl (who is hardly a large woman) is kind of larger than Violet in conception. She's written as or at least originally played as rail thin, devoured from the inside visible type. Joan Allen is actually a better physical match than Meryl Streep (though not old enough) ... i think that physical concept is important to the role since it seems like Violet's entire diet is pills and her inner contempt.
Mark -- i'm seeing Her in about a week. I missed a NYC screening while in LA and an LA screenign while in NYC so my luck with that movie is none. As for nominations for a voice performance. I personally object to it though most readers here feel otherwise. I just don't understand what motivates people to want that -- and as frequently as they seem to in the comments -- when you've got actors using not just their voice but their whole bodies and faces AND voices for great performances. That said, I'd be happy if they gave a specail Oscar once in a while for outstanding performances that don't fit the general bill. such as in voice or that now defunct juvenile Oscar and obviously a special Oscar should've been done for Andy Serkis for pioneering acting within motion capture in so many movies.
Not that I am any good at predicting these sorts of things, but I can totally see Lupita taking many of the top-tier critics prizes, Oprah seizing the most popular trophies (GG, BFCA, BAFTA, SAG), and all of the rest of the prospects sharing everything else leading up to the Oscars.
As far as "Osage County" is concerned, I think it would be foolish of TWC not to play up the two best actresses angle, especially in such a crowded supporting actress field. Why not maximize every opportunity at a nomination? I'm sure that Julia Roberts has colleagues that still really like her, and if she really delivers in the scenes that count (so to speak), it would be an easy vote.
The ScarJo voice acting Oscar thing is also complicated because Samantha Morton was such a big part of the production. Even though I think ScarJo is ACES in Her, I would be uncomfortable giving her a nomination when another actress did a lot of the leg work.
Joan Allen is a good choice, but Christine Lahti would have been an excellent Violet or Charlotte Rampling. Meryl is so obvious and the wrong body type. She just looks too healthy for the role and I don't buy her as a drug addict. If you wanted to go way out there with the casting, Jean Smart would kill in the role but doesn't have the film profile--on the other hand, she has the comedy and drama background and a big profile from Designing women which is the target age group. Her turn from 24 doesn't hurt either.
I think the stunt casting of Streep isn't going to help the film. I think more people will go to see Roberts whom we haven't seen in a long time (except the MIrror thing which no one saw).
If Adams goes supporting, I think she has a better chance of winning than as lead. Lead actress is so packed this year with strong women and there is probably a spoiler waiting to be seen which will mix it up even more.
Amy Adams won't win regardless of placement. I don't know how anyone could root for someone other than Lupita taking Sup Actress no questions asked.
Since Nathan loves him some ass-bender I wonder how he would feel if Michael actually wins for this character, performance, and this category?
Since names are being thrown around, I kept wishing that Jessica Lange was playing Violet Weston as I was watching it. She has name-recognition, especially with her "American Horror Story"-led career resurgence, and she's arguably better suited to the role. She's certainly more of the physical type. Anyway, I just need more of Lange back up on the big screen.
There's really no consensus, which actor was better in this great MERYL vs JULIA debate, but one of the more prominent reviews, and some minor reviews do prefer Julia Roberts over Meryl Streep. Here's the Time Magazine review:
She is not Vi; she is Meryl Streep doing another of her fabulous impressions. Her Julia Child in Julie & Julia and her Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady were acute parodies that found some emotional grounding in those famous personalities. If PBS had its own refined version of Saturday Night Live, Streep could be a permanent guest host. But when she turns her considerable talents to fictional roles, like the mother in Mamma Mia! or the nun in Doubt, or here with Vi, she tends to go way too big, diverting the audience’s focus from the character to the performer.
In her Oscar-winning performance as Erin Brockovich, Roberts was a little too strutting, too sure of her superiority to her adversaries (as the film was). Her Barbara is a victim who uncomfortably returns to the scene of the crime — Vi being the perpetrator — and tries not to acknowledge how much she may have in common with her hated mother. It’s Roberts’ deepest, strongest, liveliest film work, which may well put her in the Best Actress competition against Streep. On Oscar night, mother and daughter could fight it out yet again.
anthony -- thanks for sharing that. Corliss writes well but i think it's crazy to suggest she'll ever top Erin B :)
Maybe it''ll be Meryl's first real snub and Julia takes her spot.
I can't see Oprah losing (unless she decides that she can't be bothered with campaigning).
This week, in the UK, she appeared on The One Show to promote The Butler - it's a boring, trashy, borderline unwatchable half hour nightly interview show with bad hosts and a daytime feel. It's basically like The Queen appearing on The View as a guest.
Evidently, she's decided that she'd quite like to win...
Oprah's only happening if there is a weird backlash against 12 Years A Slave. Ejiofor and Fassbender are much more vulnerable in their categories. Plus The Butler still does not have the strength of critics like 12 Years A Slave does. I find it much more probable that Oprah misses out on a few precursors but still gets an Oscar nod because of recognition but in no way Nyong'o's biggest threat.
Oprah is Harvey Weinstein's only chance at an Oscar in a major category this year. Weinstein/Miramax haven't been Oscar-less in the top categories since, what, 2005? I'm sure he'll campaign hard for her, even if it means trying to create a 12 Years backlash.
Tom, Jennifer Jones is my all time fave. She is peerless--Meryl pales in comparison.
I also think Jessica Lange or Christine Lahti would have been much better as Violet.
Highly doubt that Meryl will not be nominated .... Majority of reviews towards her seem postitive
Brookesboy: Jennifer jones is one of those gals (like Greer Garson) that I only know because I know my oscar history. If I was to watch just one of her movies to introduce her to me, what would you suggest?
Duel in the Sun!
ScarJo just won Rome Film Festival Award of Best Actress... I smell Best Supporting Actress Oscar race will reach a new level of "interesting" this year.
for Jennifer Jones i recommend Song of Bernadette. It's very religious and that is not everyone's cup of tea but she is great in it. Also Love is a Many Splendored Thing.
Oh I think Julia is a sure thing for a nomination and having her at #7 is a little crazy. Thus far she has the reviews (with many claiming her best in show or better than Meryl). She has so many friends in AMPAS, she's campaigning and promoting the film more than anyone, and she seems to be the person that Harvey is backing the most.
I don't think Jennifer Lawrence is getting in. I've seen American Hustle and I don't think this is one that AMPAS is going for. It's again a role that seems entirely too old for her.
Paulson isn't happening either.
"It's again a role that seems entirely too old for her."
yes, because that didn't work for her at all last time.
Lindsay -- that was quick. American Hustle isn't screening for a couple more days from my understanding. Anyway. we'll see who campaigns the hardest from AUGUST. It's early. Meryl didn't show to Toronto or AFI galas. Julia, Meryl and Margo all didn't show to AFI in Hollywood.
Nathaniel, when do we get your full review of "August: Osage County"? Eager to hear your thoughts. Oh, and you might already be aware but according to Anne Thompson (from her Twitter feed) the ending to A:OC was tweaked since it was shown at AFI. Anne says the new ending is "less ambiguous."
Mike, Greer amazingly is my second fave! For Jennifer, I agree with Tom--Song of Bernadette is a terrific showcase for her radiant talents. Portrait of Jennie is also a classic and highlights her ethereal quality.
For Greer, check out Random Harvest and Goodbye Mr Chips. A pair of golden tearjerkers.
I saw American Hustle two weeks ago at a test screening. I guess it could still be tweaked but I wasn't thrilled by it. IMO, Bradley Cooper was best in show. It's definitely one of the weaker O'Russell films IMO. It's fun but I am quite skeptical of it walking away with any actual awards.
Yes I know Lawrence got in for playing a character too old for her in SLP but she doesn't have Harvey backing her this time and Sony has an abysmal track record and a better all-around contender in Captain Phillips which will likely be it's primary push.
Julia only missed AFI because she was doing the THR Actress Roundtable. She won the Hollywood Film Award, she was at TIFF, she did the SAG Q&A, she's the only actor from the film on the cover of a magazine currently, and she's now the only actress from the film doing the THR roundtable.
I adore Margo Martindale but there just doesn't seem to be a significant push for her yet and of the top critics reviews thus far - she's only mentioned by The Wrap (barely anything is said about her from Time, The Hollywood Reporter, and Variety). They didn't even put Margo's name on the poster!
I do think Margo will be nominated for the SAG, but I think she's going to miss Oscar (as you and I both know they really cut a significant part of her role from the play).
While I don't think Meryl will miss I certainly think she's vulnerable - especially if the reviews keep going the way they have been lately. If support for Adele (highly possible IMO) or Amy Adams (less possible IMO) is passionate she'd be the one that I'd expect to miss first.
Lindsay, How was Adams in Hustle? She looks terrific in the stills but that doesn't always translate.
Love how the meryl backlash has begun....yet her nominations and wins continue