Cate's Campaign, Jackman's Pipes, Thor's Hammer, Katniss' Ride

Today's Linkage
a mix of things we haven't found time to talk about and things slightly more hot off the presses
Harpers Bazaar Cate Blanchett and Woody Allen talk Blue Jasmine and more. (The untold backstory of this cover story is 'how the hell did Cate rope Woody along for her Oscar campaign. He doesn't do that!)
In Contention revisits the complicated journey of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Claire Danes in Interview all the headlines are like "Claire Danes goes topless"... which basically means she crosses her arms over her boobs. But glammy photos for the win
Yahoo Movies Hugh Jackman casually name drops new musicals he might do! I just about died reading "Drowsy Chaperone"... love that one so much (although it's very much a stage piece so who knows how it might transfer)
Playlist the first still from Mojave with Oscar Isaac and Garrett Hedlund
The Dissolve explains why a Hunger Games theme park is a REALLY bad idea. You'd think corporate America wouldn't need this explained to them but you'd be wrong.
While we're on the topic of Hunger Games: Catching Fire (upon us at any moment, gird your loins) I'm sure you've already formed an opinion of Jennifer Lawrence's new haircut without me. Finally she looks old enough to play most of the roles Hollywood's been using her for!
Gotham Audience Award I was disappointed that my Short Term 12 didn't make it but go and vote on your favorite finalist.
Happy Nice Time People sums up our feelings about Carrie Underwood's televised Sound of Music nicely
PopWatch Alanis Morrissette jukebox "Jagged Little Pill" musical? Sure, why not. Everybody else is getting them
Grantland with another take on that Alanis Morrissette musical
and just for exit giggles two favorite Thor related tweets today
See #ThorDarkWorld in @IMAX 3D. Because you're worth it!
— AMC Theatres (@AMCTheatres) November 8, 2013
Please Mjölnir Don’t Hurt ‘Em.
— Sam Adams (@SamuelAAdams) November 8, 2013
Reader Comments (16)
Woody must love her performance.
I really liked Jesse James. Will be good to see it again.
I turned off on Sound of Music when i saw the commercial with Audra McDonald as one of the nuns while Underwood (whom I don't hate)..........but how on earth does she rate higher billing and the star role?.
of course I'll be watching (=downloading) it, but I'm afraid about nbc's "the sound of music" too. (hoping it's not another "smash" situation, because the pieces are pretty much the same: nbc + broadway + american idol alum as main push + better talented supporting players)
a) I didn't think Jennifer Lawrence could possibly be more attractive than she was already but holy crap that haircut...
b) I totally read that as Claire DENIS goes topless. I was like "that's a bit... unexpected?"
Carrie Underwood gets to play Maria and Audra McDonald is relegated to Mother Abbess (if not just "Nun #1")? The horror!
Dame Judi Dench discusses her clubbing past:
Thought everyone might enjoy that! :)
Amir: What would a world it would be if "all the headlines" reported on such a thing, too!
Woody's been campaigning hard for Cate (him accepting the special Golden Globes, interviews). He must really want her to win.
Thoréal is one for the all-time list. LOL
And that Claire Danes...well, now. She's giving Jodie-Foster-at-the-'92-Oscars realness, isn't she?
Thoréal is one for the all-time list. LOL
And that Claire Danes...well, now. She's giving some Jodie-Foster-at-the-'92-Oscars realness, isn't she?
i always thought Thor has beautiful hair:Hemsworth deserves to be a L'Oreal muse
Lawrence's new haircut is ugly even on her
Ooh, an Alanis musical sounds amazing.
Thoreaaalll!!! ha ha ha ha an all time hit!
I really don't like it when actors campaign for their Oscar, but I am bias when it comes to Cate Blanchett
Daniel Day-Lewis: "And the Oscar goes to………Cate Blanchett!"
I don't find Jennifer Lawrence to be very attractive (she has, like, no bone structure) but I like her new haircut. It gives her a much needed touch of class.
Let her campaign like hell, use all the tricks and totally win that Lead Oscar which she FUCKING DESERVES: both in 1) terms of the performance in question and 2) as a body of work
I love you for that Jennifer Lawrence comment, Nathaniel.