Yes No Maybe So: Chappie

Manuel here to play our favorite trailer watching game.
Is it safe to say that of the 47 films to have been nominated for Best Picture ever since the category's expansion, District 9 remains the oddest, with its sci-fi concept, low-tech execution and lack of big name recognition? Neill Blomkamp and Sharlto Copley followed that up with Elysium which very few of us have thought about since it came out. They’re re-teamed for Chappie which, well, I’ll just give you the synopsis:
Every child comes into the world full of promise, and none more so than Chappie: he is gifted, special, a prodigy. Like any child, Chappie will come under the influence of his surroundings - some good, some bad - and he will rely on his heart and soul to find his way in the world and become his own man. But there's one thing that makes Chappie different from anyone else: he is a robot. The first robot with the ability to think and feel for himself. His life, his story, will change the way the world looks at robots and humans forever.
They’ve both lost me already; wanna see whether the trailer won me back? Herewith, a special YES/NO/MAYBE SO assessment of this trailer via all of the films it made me think of as I was watching it:
- Chappie’s character design is enough of a riff on known commodities (C3PO, Short Circuit, 80s Robot) without feeling derivative. I particularly love the ears/antenna.
- I'm fascinated by the fact that Copley is (to my knowledge) not playing Chappie via motion capture a la Serkis, but rather in a more rudimentary fashion ("they're animating over my movements," he notes). That might make for an interesting approach; and might give us an interesting Copley performance.
- I love the POV shot from inside Chappie’s head (is he also looking for Sarah Connor?)
- That He-Man cameo is pretty awesome.
- District 9 still holds enough goodwill for me to give this a tentative yes.
- IMDB informs me that Sigourney Weaver is in this which YES! but…
- ...were we just denied a Weaver sighting and is that enough for me to notch a NO? Yes and yes.
- All those explosions towards the end reminded me of Elysium (and every other action film ever made).
- Hugh Jackman + Robots = Real Steel flashbacks.
- “A.I. is unpredictable” immediately made me think of Transcendence (and of Rebecca Hall’s career; anyone have any news? Will she be given a non-thankless role soon?).
- Artificial Intelligence is a fascinating topic, but why must paranoia be pit against government involvement? Why must it always lead to things exploding and people getting shot?
- “One machine’s journey… to become his own man,” Can we talk about this tag-line? Is Chappie secretly Kal-El? Must newly sentient beings always be framed within a masculinist view of progress? Suddenly the He-Man cameo feels less awesome. Add in a "girl in danger in need of being saved" shot and this needlessly testosterone-fueled trailer is ticking all my "No" boxes.
- The "You taught me so much more" line had me eye-rolling (Might as well be “I’m just a guy, in front of his robot…”).
- The overall design and aesthetic seems particularly reminiscent of District 9 if a bit more playful and colorful (are we in a pseudo-Eastern European dystopia with a dash of punk-rock?), but there’s very little that pops in this trailer for me (give or take a bad Jackman haircut).
- That moment with the carton of milk.
- You’ll notice this from the images above, but I think there might something else going on this film despite its ho-hum, by-the-numbers trailer (with its run-of-the-mill soundtrack, flashing title cards and kaboom! ending) and it falls more in line with the fish-out-of-water humor Disney just used to promote Baymax in Big Hero 6 and which successfully launched WALL-E as an adorably Streisand obsessed curious robot.
- The insistence of seeing Chappie as a “child” seems to be aiming for a type of Lilo & Stitch (“Do you know what a black sheep is?”) and E.T. (“You’re name is… Chappie!”) dynamic. Might this be the type of film Blomkamp and Copley have in store for us? The poster is definitely more family friendly than the film this trailer is selling.
Watch and judge for yourself:
I must say I fall in the "No, thank you, I'll pass, wake me up if we were somehow duped by this subpar trailer" camp. I don't want to ask whether this film will break new ground (good or even entertaining films need not do that) but I can't quite stomach the tried-and-true uplifting human spirit in a non-human vessel that'll lead to bullets and sacrifice vibe I'm getting. Disagree? Do we think Copley & Blomkamp have another surprise hit in their robotic hands?
Reader Comments (14)
Well, there IS a gun at the bottom of that poster, so I think saying that the poster is selling something kid friendlier than this trailer is slightly off base.
Looks like Roboyhood.
Wow. Yeah I WISH I had Rebecca Hall news. Here's hoping for some kind of turnaround for her before long! Saw Vicky Christina Barcelona recently, made me miss her!
I agree that the film's concept felt stale. I'm gonna keep my expectations low for this one. 'Elysium' was one of my most anticipated films and it left me disappointed.
But it stars the amazing South African rap group Die Antwoord!!! They are totally Blomkamp's Muses and he wanted to put them into Elysium originally. I just cannot wait to see what he does with them. Can they act? I actually do not care. They are so compelling I would watch them in almost anything. I highly recommend watching their music videos because they are off-the-wall cuckoo banana pants!
I'm a no on so many levels.
I always suspected District 9 was a happy accident. This trailer has not changing my mind.
(Bad) memories of Bicentennial Man + Artificial Intelligence. If only it could be as inspired as Wall-E! (Which I doubt)
I hate the director's aesthetics and Huge Jackman.
I'm a no. I haven't liked a Blomkamp movie yet, and while this looks like a potentially interesting change of pace, I don't trust him to not turn this into another ADD video game mess.
I must have a lot of goodwill stored from District 9, because I'm a yes despite agreeing with every single one of your "no" points and physically cringing at the tagline. Maybe I should just rewatch District 9 again instead.
I'm a big yes. I loved District 9. I enjoyed Elysium far more than most. Lilo & Stitch is probably my favorite Disney film at this point and I'm sitting here crying over the trailer. I want it and I want it now.
I'm a maybe leaning on yes because I will watch most things Hugh Jackman and Dev Patel make for their sakes, and this looks kinda cute. I haven't seen District 9 (and have no intention to) but did see Elysium and that was incredibly boring. And maybe it's because English is not my first language, but I have a lot of trouble understanding Sharlto Copley - I've only seen him in Elysium and Maleficent and don't think I understood one word he said in either movie, so that dampens any excitement for this one.
It's so cliche, I don't feel like I saw anything genuinely fresh in the trailer, not one moment. So, NO.
Some one needs to just stick to chick flicks and let the people decide if they like this movie or not. Liberal (Or what ever you call socialist Government worship these days) Bias is not an acceptable replacement for mind control.