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Link is an Open Door

Cinema Blend Sebastian Stan, the Winter Soldier himself, has a nine picture deal with Marvel Studios (!)
Vanity Fair Lee Pace stars in a new series AMC hopes can replace Mad Men. Yeah, good luck with that. I especially worry that they're going for another anti-hero. Mad Men and Breaking Bad weren't exactly standard fare when they started. You have to offer something new once imitators are a dime a dozen on every channel. 
The Playlist first images from the new Dardenne Bros film starring Marion Cotillard as a woman about to lose her job

Marion Cotillard would like you to share an ice cream cone with her

IndieWire intriguing interview with Ethan Hawke, who seems to understand his own limitations and his career
Playbill a live album of West Side Story with Cheyenne Jackson as Tony is coming soon
i09 the next X-Men movie will be set in the 1980s 
The Wire reminds you to finally watch Darren Aronofsky's Pi since it's Pi day (3/14). You need to jump because it's almost over 
Coming Soon Captain America 3 is playing "chicken" with Batman vs. Superman, both slated the same weekend in May 2016. 

Today's Watch
I guess Frozen's "Let it Go" has run its course and now people are on to "Love is an Open Door". This video is so adorbs, cute parents perfectly lipsynching the duet while their daughter ignores them in the back.  

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Reader Comments (11)

Ah! Two Days, One Night! One of my most anticipated films of the year. Marion's got one hell of a 2014 coming up between this, Macbeth, and my long awaited The Immigtant. Love the color in these stills.

March 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTB

RuPaul would be so proud of those parents.

March 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSad man

With that Sebastian Stan movie and the Captain America 3 news... I bet we lose Steve Rogers in CA3 and Bucky is the new Captain America in any future Marvel movies. Until we discover that Steve Rogers isn't really dead.

March 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKeith Gow

Awesome video and I love that they call themselves "good looking".

March 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

Dardenne Bros + Cotillard = Heaven on Earth.

March 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

Marion Cotillard has put her Oscar win to better use than any other actor I can remember. Good for her.

March 15, 2014 | Unregistered Commentereurocheese

You are so right eurocheese, even if she has not received any follow-up nominations.
After her win she has worked with Mann, Soderbergh, Allen, Audiard, Gray, Kurzel, Nolan (therefore being in two of the the biggest films in the last 4 years) and now the Dardennes. She was the best thing in a film with Day Lewis, Kidman, Cruz, Dench and Loren and almost worked with Farhadi (he has said he knows they will work together again in the future!). She is one of four oscar winning actresses appearing as the face of Christian Dior, which has given her the opportunity to work with John Cameron Mitchell (twice) and David Lynch!

March 15, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterjohn

There are like a million reasons I don't read indiewire regularly and now with that headline on the Hawke article I've found reason number 1,000,001. Blech.

March 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

suzanne -- yeah, that title is shamelessly clickbaiting and misleading.

March 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

john - so true!

Also, if I'm guessing correctly, re: the almost-working-with-Farhadi bit, was Marion supposed to be the lead in The Past? That's a shame it didn't work out because as an ardent non-fan of Bérénice Bejo (I find her uncharismatic, dead-eyed and generally unremarkable) she kinda ruined my interest in seeing the film. Then again, I wasn't so much into the concept when it was announced. Idk idk. I'm surprised of all the actresses Farhadi could've opted for - literally, every single serious actress would've killed for a chance to work with him on his next project after A Separation - he opted for her. I don't get it.

If AMC doesn't care about their new dramatic programming, as evident by their endless cycle of new reality shows debuting, why should I? Lee Pace is always welcomed tho.

OMG it is way too early to be thinking about Captain America 3. Ugh, studios.

March 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMark The First

I heard Cheyenne singing West Side Story live with the San Francisco Symphony. He was perfect as Tony. (Too old for the character, but vocally better than anyone I've ever sing the part.) Can't wait for the album.

Speaking of which, did you already link to this scary story about Spielberg wanting to remake WSS? http://www.deadline.com/2014/03/fox-revives-west-side-story-for-steven-spielberg-as-town-ponders-stacey-snider-move-and-dreamworks-future/

March 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSan FranCinema
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