Hit Me With Your Best Shot: Mean Girls (2004)

For this week's Hit Me With Your Best Shot, we're reairing one of the earliest of episodes. We invited new readers to select a shot if they weren't around in 2010 when "Best Shot" first began so this survey of Mean Girls best shots, as chosen by each participant (click on the link for the corresponding article) is an fusion of old and new pieces 'round the web. Here's my choice:
And what I originally wrote:
The camera tracks Regina through the hallway after she's hatched her brilliant revenge plan. She's regained control of the screaming rage we saw in the prior scene and she's just gliding through the hallways, with a neat hint of actressy athleticism. Gone is the sex kitten and in her place the marathon runner.
The shot functions like a reverse Hansel & Gretel; the witch leaving a bread crumb trail. In the bookend shot that follows the camera is still moving, gliding away from her, but the witch isn't. Witness her hungry self-satisfaction while she watches the children gobble up the crumbs; They're already baking in her oven!
So, that's my choice. What's yours?
as chosen by 16 of the greatest people you'll ever know
click on the image for the corresponding article
a blink-and-you-miss moment in the film... absolutely hilarious."
-Sorta That Guy
The best performance of her career..."
-Coco Hits New York
The conspicuous gap between them...
-Antagony & Ecstasy
No shot in the film makes me bust out loud laughing more..."
-Best Shot in the Dark
I love to think about Regina...
Each of "The Plastics" has great lines, but Karen takes the cake"
- Dean A
This could not be more on point."
- I Want to Believe
...captured the insanely fun spirit of the film but also encapsulated the plot really well."
- Awkward is What We Aim For
And she's not just maintaining a place among North Shore royalty, she's threatening to take over..."
She even describes herself as 'a woman possessed'..."
-Film Actually
...a wicked Madonna from a Renaissance tableaux."
-Movies Kick Ass
The queen of the jungle..."
-The Entertainment Junkie
Daniel Franzese, far and away the funniest part of Mean Girls"
- Serious Film
Her flock who've come to worship..."
-Musings and Stuff
My pick for Best Shot has actually accrued more meaning over time....
-Dancin Dan
Oh you girls keep me young I luv ya..."
-The Film's The Thing
like TFE on facebook, you grotsky little byotch
Next on 'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' - JOIN US
05/06 Altman's strange / wonderful Three Women (1977) with Shelley Duvall & Sissy Spacek
05/13 Antontioni's mod classic Blow-Up (1965) Vanessa Redgrave and a mysterious murder
05/20 Choose any or multiple Batman films. Pick and post your fav shot for his 75th
Reader Comments (8)
haha, this film is so good. McAdams & Lohan kill it. You can choose so many wide shots too because they just kill the body language too.
Idea for the next hit me with your best shot - Catch me if you can.
I think it is fun to do comedies for these - and that's a good one with fun performances from a wide range of actors from Leo, Amy (I always forget how big her role was in this), Christopher, Hanks...etc..
Mine is up (a little late): http://dancindanonfilm.blogspot.com/2014/04/hit-me-with-your-best-shot-mean-girls.html
Mine is up too: http://intifadagetaway.tumblr.com/post/84253222155/boo-you-whore-i-love-to-think-about-regina
Mine is also late. I sent it via email like an hour-ish ago because I don't know what I'm doing, haha. http://cinemamelie.blogspot.com/2014/04/hit-me-with-your-best-shot-mean-girls.html
oops sorry i nodded off early last night (long day) but these have been added to the post. THANKS FOR PLAYING, hope you will next week, too.
Rachel plays a Regina George-esque character in Passion that is a must see. The film is OK, but beautiful to watch and her performance is lots of fun.
I also just have to add that this viewing confirmed my long-held suspicion that McAdams, Seyfried, and Fey's script should have gotten Oscar noms, and Amy Poehler at the very least should have gotten a Film Bitch nom for cameo/limited role.
This was such a fun episode. Happy 10th, Mean Girls!