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SAG Awards Live Blog

Let's talk about you for a second...

7:11 This is the face Sarah Silverman made after hearing "Let's talk about you for a second" which is... sublimely funny, a perfect encapsulation of the faux humility #blessed of superstars attending awards shows in which they all fawn on each other. You're great. No, no, you're great.

07:14 Rami Malek doesn't know who he was wearing. Alicia Vikander says 'I've only watched this on YouTube' before. Idris Elba is working the grey in his beard. Everyone is adorable x3 is my point.

07:22 Saoirse is in light pink and Brie in baby blue and I'm not sure what to make of that.

07:25 Jesse Tyler Ferguson and E! Brad talking to each other 

- "Are you a nervous nellie."
- "Yaaas"


"-I hope I didn't get any contour on you"

This is the gayest thing I've ever seen on television. Which is saying a lot.

07:31 Nicole Kidman has arrived. [More...]

07:44 Kate Winslet is being hilarious. "I look good actually!" Every line is funny. She just gave the internet like 34 gifs and 5 memes.



07:50 Nicole Kidman talking about you could either be a Grace Kelly or Marilyn Monroe person. Keith Urban announces he is a Nicole Kidman person. Awww.

08:00 At some point in the preshow Rooney Mara's happiness really alarmed me.



08:06 I dont even wanna talk about the fact that I just missed the "I'm an actor" intros. Long story. 

08:06 UZO ADUBA wins again for OITNB because SAG are total habit-formers like Emmys. She's great on that show but that show is so filled with greatness it's a shame that she's the only one collecting awards.

08:11 JEFFREY TAMBOR wins for Transparent. They show the clip about how much he loves women. 'I love vaginas.' 



 Great great speech. He's so respectful to the trans community always 

08:14 Christian Bale and Steve Carell announce their nomination for The Big Short with trailer clips. They both look miserable they've discovered another crisis just around the corner. 

08:19 ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK takes Comedy Ensemble. They shout out to "diversity" which is kind of redundant because they're the living embodiment. They even get that it's not binary black and white. That show has and is everything. (L-O-V-E-D how Season 3 quieted down enough for that brilliant Black Cindy and Judaism arc) 

08: 30 ALICIA VIKANDER wins Best Supporting Actress in a Leading Role for The Danish Girl. She's overwhelmed. Talked about watching her mother rehearse as a child. Thanks Eddie, etcetera. Probably just won the Oscar.

There's also a shot of the table and Keith Urban throws back a drink during her speech.



08:31 Saoirse Ronan is on stage. Since it doesn't appear that she'll be winning lots of awards for Brooklyn, it feels like this fate is in her future. But how long from now?

08:33 IDRIS ELBA wins Best Supporting Actor. Got his SAG Card on Law & Order God, who didn't? "Ted something from Netflix whatever you name is" LOL. This is the first time (to my knowledge) that a film nominee has won without an Oscar nomination. People will read this as a F*** you to Oscar and for some random voters maybe that will be true but I think the bulk of it is that he gave a compelling performance and Ted something from Netflix has provided a way for people to watch movies far more easily than the other studios/distributors and that counts for something. Every SAG voter I know in Manhattan watches Netflix, they all tell me how far behind they are at seeing every theatrical movie. 



08:40 Great montage of clips from movies and tv about acting as a profession. Jenna Maroney "I'll do it. But only for the attention." Hee. Where are the 20 statues Jane Krakowski has earned?

08:49 QUEEN LATIFAH wins Actress in a Movie/MiniSeries for Bessie. Which we've written up a few times - read 'em. As for her speech she makes a big deal about chasing your dreams and refusing to conform, make your own box and "do you"...

I don't mean to be disrespectful but this would feel so much more authentic and inspirational if she'd ever come out of the closet. It's hard to accept Be Yourself! Don't Let Others Stop You... when you're actually letting society stop you!

09:00 IDRIS ELBA wins Actor in a Movie/Miniseries for Luther. 


09:05 A tribute to Carol Burnett...



...by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler



... who are as funny as they always are. They get Carol (2015) confused with Carol Burnett and even roast Leonardo DiCaprio for all the 'it was so hard to make The Revenant' business. Carol Burnett would make a way funnier face after eating something disgusting like raw bison liver. This moment is grand and it makes you scratch your head that the Oscars thought it a bad idea to never have their Honorarys on air anymore.

09:30 Somewhere in here Idris & Abraham introduced the clips from Beasts of No Nation and Kevin Spacey won Best Drama Actor in a Series for that Netflix show.

09:37 The In Memoriam section is presented by Susan Sarandon and her cleavage and they all look amazing. She's always loved her boobs. As well she should.

09:45 Downton Abbey wins BEST ENSEMBLE DRAMA SERIES again. I love that show so much but no show needs to win the same prize every year. 

09:50 Brie Larson takes BEST ACTRESS, ROOM.
We also learned on twitter that she wasn't joking during her Globes speech!




DiCaprio brought his vape pen as his date because he's so on trend.

Leonardo talked about the history of cinema which he definied as everything from Jimmy Cagney to Robert De Niro (WHAT RANGE we said sarcastically).

(Somehow my attention always drifts away while watching the SAG Awards. I don't know why since I love actors.)

10:04 90s superstar Demi Moore had the honor of announcing Best Ensemble and looks weirdly now. Oh, I know...  


SAG did SAG with their Downton Abbey & Uzo Aduba & general Netflix obsession. They also arguably spanked Oscar for their whiteness... though in this regard they were helped enormously by the fact that television is much more diverse than film currently and they do awards for both. The oddest thing about this awards season's trajectory will surely be that SAG, who generally speaking are the laziest and worst precursor for nominations, come out looking like heroes and are thus absolved of their many many many sins. 
Where does this leave us with the Oscar? The expected frontrunners are still the frontrunners. It's looking like the expected group  STALLONE, VIKANDER, LARSON, and DICAPRIO will be posing for all the quartet photos on February 28th. The big question is whether Spotlight's earnest classicism can trump The Big Short's funny rage for Best Picture? That's still very much in the air and maybe Oscar voters -- who deeply love the entire filmography of Alejandro González Iñárritu -- will throw up their hands in indecisiveness between the two message movies and embrace the film they loved the most during the nomination period: The Revenant


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Reader Comments (64)

I love Demi Moore as a "Best Picture" calibre presenter. Say what you want about her relevance or filmography, but what a nice moment for past and present female superstars in Hollywood: YOU MATTER!

I hope she wins a Supporting Actress Oscar someday for a Creed-style reboot of Indecent Proposal, wherein she plays the Robert Redford character to Margot Robbie and Adam Driver.

January 30, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHayden W.

take THAT big shitshow

January 30, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterry

Gabriel, thank you. Alicia is in the wrong category, but she still gave the best, most resonant performance of all the nominees. Brava.

January 30, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterbrookesboy

@Rami, while it's true that both Mara and Vikander are LEADS in Carol & Danish Girl, no way were either of them going to give Larsen any competition even if they'd been correctly slotted. Come on now. There's clearly a feeling among the zeitgeist that Larsen's performance is one of those undeniable feats that must win everything (like Charlize Theron, Helen Mirren, Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett and Julianne Moore).

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSteph Bello

Viola is quite rewarded now and moved on a long time ago. I believe they have medication for web fans who obsessly post the same comments over and over again on behalf of an actor they have never met.

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnne Boils

Still think only Leo is a done deal. I will only considered Brie and Alicia sealed if they win Bafta (Alicia is nominated for Ex-Machina in supporting and Danis Girl for lead). Supporting actor still slightly shaky. Since Stallone wasn't nominated in Bafta and Sag.

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBlueMoon02

I am not being told that Vikander is the next best thing,I don't buy it same with Eddie last year.

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMARK

Anne Boils - Ha!

What a boring group of film winners we have this year, the least interesting in a long while. Who knew that Stallone would actually be the best one (if he does indeed win)?

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

I can see a surprise win for Bale if they go for The Big Short in a massive way.

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRami

Demi Moore's got that fierce "ageless" latter-day Joan Crawford stare goin' on!

And wasn't Susan Sarandon's ensemble once a memorable sight-gag plot device on "Seinfeld?"

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterrick gould

"My, what big ears you have, Grandma Demi!"

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

Demi is as gorgeous as always, but her figure is scaring me a little. Please be healthy!

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered Commentercash

Leo's unintelligible grunting for 2.5 hours gets him an Oscar no questions asked? Ugh check u guys in 2017. But yay #SAGsSoBlack tho. And come on out Queen Latifah. Ur fooling absolutely no one with ur girlfriend sitting right next to you!!!

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLenny

The Idris Elba win was so refreshing. It reminded me that not too long ago award bodies just voted for what they thought was best instead of trying to predict the Oscars.

January 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHannibal Lester
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