YNMS: The Light Between Oceans

Lynn here, offering a little break from the frenzy of this year’s Oscars homestretch to ponder a possible future awards contender…
Fall, it seems so far away! But it’s never too early to start thinking of the potential Oscars slate for next season, especially when you’ve got an adaptation of a popular book that features two mega-hot rising stars coming off fresh Oscar nominations and one Oscar winner who’s a bona fide screen goddess. That would be The Light Between Oceans, which just dropped its first trailer yesterday. Based on the bestselling novel by M.L. Stedman, it’s directed by Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine, The Place Beyond the Pines) and stars Michael Fassbender, Alicia Vikander, and Rachel Weisz.
Let’s break down the trailer, YNMS-style after the jump...
-That cast! Is there a more beautiful real-life Hollywood couple right now than Fasskander? Is there any actor who can look more convincingly haunted than Fassy? Is there any actress who can look more heartbreakingly heartbroken than Vikander?
-Well, there is Rachel Weisz, who’s also one half of a comparably gorgeous couple and is probably thinking, “Kids, maybe you’ll be like Daniel and me when you grow up. You wish.” She also knows a thing or two about giving good cryface, as the trailer amply demonstrates.
-If anyone knows how to depict emotional strain on a marriage in a way that’s at once devastating and profoundly compassionate, it’s Derek Cianfrance; and Blue Valentine was one of my favorite films of 2010 for precisely those reasons.
-I haven’t read the book, but it seems from the trailer that all of the major narrative points and turns are telegraphed from a mile away. (The baby is the Weisz character’s, right? Or at least the couple think so, and disagree over whether to tell her?)
-Apart from a few quick glimpses of happy moments with the couple and their adopted child, the actors seem to be limited to a fairly narrow emotional register: the key of sad, conflicted, and really sad.
-This is based on a novel by an Australian author that’s set in post-WWI Australia, and none of the three major characters is being played by an Australian actor? It’s not like we’re lacking in qualified candidates.
-This is clearly not a plot-driven story but one focused on moral psychology and the dynamics of a marriage. Very much in line with the themes Cianfrance has previously explored; but will it be more like Blue Valentine or the uneven The Place Beyond the Pines, which I remember describing as “1/3 great movie, 1/3 decent movie, and 1/3 bad movie”? We’ll see.
-The film looks much glossier than Cianfrance’s previous work, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing; emotional authenticity doesn’t require (or equate to) visual grittiness. Cinematographer Adam Arkapaw most recently shot Justin Kurzel’s visually striking Macbeth (also starring Fassbender), and did impressive work on TV (season 1 True Detective, Top of the Lake). But this trailer doesn’t look like any of his previous work, either: the visuals look pretty but static.
-The film is scheduled for release over Labor Day weekend, historically not a good weekend for either box office or awards hopefuls—but maybe Dreamworks is hoping it will exceed expectations and build early traction?
Overall, I’m a YES based on the talent involved. How about you?
For better or worse I’m getting a very “traditional Oscars bait” feel from the trailer, which I think the Academy is starting to move away from but is far from dead. It remains to be seen whether Oceans is more The English Patient than The Danish Girl.
Reader Comments (31)
Blah. This is the type of film no one would be excited about at all if not for the actors. Dreadful trailer.
YES: Cianfrance, Fassbender, Vikander
NO: Emotional blather/prestige cinema
MAYBE SO: If it gets Oscar nominations then probably...
I loved both of Cianfrance's previous outings, and am a huge admirer of Fassbender; an easy yes for me.
I adore Rachel Weisz, like both Fassbender and Vikander and the visuals look breathtaking but I didn't care much for the book which was sad, sad, sad. I'm a qualified yes based on the cast but I'll wait for the reviews.
I loved the book and I think the casting is superb... all three actors are great... and the story is very good... I don't look at trailers so I don't know how this one looks.
Every woman I know from the ages of 25 to 75 has read the book, so even if this trailer isn't great (gives too much away, methinks), I'm sure the movie will do fine in terms of box office with female viewers. Release timing might be perfect for an old-fashioned, melodramatic, period weepy--last weekend of summer and no holiday shopping happening. Plus, the three leads--what's not to like? I'm a YES.
I'm definitely yes. Love the cast, love the premise which is totally Cianfrance's territory, love the involvement of Alexandre Desplat and Adam Akrapaw for the composer/cinematography. Its actually one of my most anticipated movies of the year.
I also don't think the trailer gives away too much, its the premise of the book, lol. Thats how you sell people on your movie and tell them what the story is about. The actual moral drama/arguments/action is still left for the movie to unfold.
I hated the book. It's got a simple, predictable story, forced sentimentality, and unnecessarily artsy language, but I could see it being a decent movie, like Bridges of Madison County. Unlike most books with a lot going on, this one is so simple they won't have to cut anything. But with Weisz in a true supporting role, Vikander will have to actually campaign lead. On that note, while I think Vikander is very gifted and beautiful, her category fraud this year really biased me against her. Because of her fraud A) Kate could miss out on her second Oscar, B) Stupid Jlaw got to undeservedly breaks another record, and C) Some deserving, supporting actress missed out on a nomination.
Please don't compare this book to "The English Patient". It's simply not up to that level of writing.
I read "The Light Between Oceans", and I had to force myself to finish it. Mind you a few people in my book club loved it.
This doesn't mean it can't be a decent film. But it will really depend on the tone the director chooses to take with it. I have no wish to be mean about this, but I doubt I would go, I really didn't like the book. Sorry.
Fssbender and Wiesz yes,not sold on Vikander yet,she underwhelmed for me in all her roles last year.
It looks....gooey. I'm a tentative no.
On that note, while I think Vikander is very gifted and beautiful, her category fraud this year really biased me against her. Because of her fraud A) Kate could miss out on her second Oscar, B) Stupid Jlaw got to undeservedly breaks another record, and C) Some deserving, supporting actress missed out on a nomination.
Winslet is only 40, a previous winner on her 7th nomination, and she's British. Doubtful this is her last chance to win a second Oscar.
Still praying for antisemitic remarks from Lawrence to end her career. Bitch just say one sly thing publicly about the Jews---criticize Israel.
Not a supporting actress performance off the top of my head who missed out. Unless we're talking Sarah Paulson. But she has terrible awards luck with her major film outings.
I've read the novel and and I've very excited to see Cianfrance's take. Without getting spoilery, it's two central themes are intense romantic relationships and the impact of family legacy - both handled marvelously in BLUE VALENTINE and THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES.
A yes for me. Melodrama shouldn't be a bad word. And I can forgive some plot conveniences if the overall approach is sensitive and sincere. I'm also completely ready for a great romance.
And it might seem silly to say so based on a trailer, but both leads look like they're doing better work here than in their Oscar-nominated work this year. Vikander was less effortless and natural in TDG than in Testament of Youth. Meanwhile, I think Fassbender is a talented, charismatic actor, but he doesn't tend to be emotionally available and it looks like Cianfrance got him to open him up a lot.
Isn't Weisz the blandest actress working today? If others didn't choose to have families or run theater companies, she wouldn't have a career.
It looks like it's fashionable to hale Alicia Vikander. Maybe her ubiquity this year in memorable movies is playing against her. But I think she´s one of the most exciting, stimulating and magnetic actresses nowadays. I hope she will win the Oscar. This year or another, maybe the next...
Murtada, you couldn't be more wrong! Weisz is flat-out amazing. She has great taste with directors, is always really proactive to elicit collaborations (that's how her work with Sorrentino, Lanthimos or Cianfrance) came about and is entering what will probably be the most interesting phase of her career. I was also interested in her work but I became an avid admirer after seeing The Deep Blue Sea .
Wow Murtada, your free to state your opinion - but don't need to state it as if it were some objective fact.
Rachel Weisz isn't picking up roles just because others aren't available, she has been good in a number of films. "About a Boy", "The Constant Gardener", "The Deep Blue Sea", "The Whistleblower", "The Lobster", etc.
Easy YES.
I'm a supporter of every movie that employs Rachel Weisz. She should be reaping more Oscar noms every other year.
Alicia and Michael didn't even kiss for the KissCam on BAFTA; what's all that about?
Plus: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/setting-the-record-straight-from-berlin_b_9310496.html
Meryl herself is addressing her wildly incorrectly reported comment from Berlin.
Brace yourself though, right under her wonderful article, there is another article that says the Oscars' best picture should be divided into drama and comedy, blah.
Rachel Weisz gets a lifetime pass because of The Constant Gardner + The Deep Blue Sea
@Anonny: Or the rest of the creative team? Execution is the most important aspect of every movie, since there's very little true originality. The quality of the people involved is, while far from foolproof, one of the better ways to assess whether something will be worth seeing.
Lady Edith - didnt mean to be emphatic. Just don't get her.
If well done, yes, but this looks like an episode of Downtown Abbey. You know, Lady Edith can't see her child, blah, blah.
After The Lobster and Youth this past year, I'll be in line for anything Rachel Weisz does. Such a tremendous talent, and a great screen presence. This is one of those movies, however, where I love everyone involved yet am uninterested in the story. I'd love to say reviews will determine whether or not I see this, but I have no way of knowing when (or even if) this will play in my area.
For some reason I kept thinking of Elizabeth Debicki in the Vikander role during the trailer. I think Debicki could have been amazing. I remember watching her in The Maids and she blew me away
Do we know if Rachel Weisz was the first choice for the role?
It's Alicia, so of course YES. Don't even need to think about it.
Well count me in as someone who really liked the book. Yes, there is very little "plot" as in just one thing happens in the entire book really, so it's a psychological examination of how you react to that. And it's limited geographically as well, so you'd really have to have good actors giving it their all.
The jury is still out on me with Alicia Vikander just because I haven't seen her in much. Sure, she can wear a cute orange dress in The Man From UNCLE, but not sure if that's a good enough qualification.
Fassbender is always at least magnetic and Rachel Weisz has turned it on in the past and I suspect she'll do that here. I know people here love Nicole Kidman, but I'm just glad that someone a little less heralded gets a shot to show off what she's got.
Still I wish there was room for Judy Davis in some capacity.
Side note: this seems to have been also shot in Australia. I glimpsed an actress I know of, Emily Barclay, and, yes, imdb confirms she is in it. I hope it is a substantive role because she is another of our great talents here, who hasn't seemed to be able to break out since her phenomenal work in a movie called SUBURBAN MAYHEM (see it if you can).
@Manuel Yes She was the first choice for that role. Derek wanted her to be in Blue Valentine but She couldn't make it due to her pregnancy I think. She has a special thanks in BV. Now he offered her the part like Paolo Sorrentino offered her that part in Youth.
Your review lost any & all credibility as soon as you said "I haven't read the book".