One Link at a Time

The Pool the shelf life of 'the cool girl' is getting shorter. Which actresses will we be told to hate in 2017?
Variety a depressing report about which future movies are being talked about the most on social media. Cars 3 is number 2? Gross
Screencrush here's to the behind the scenes administrators and shooting schedule people. This is hard work. Consider that Doctor Strange is absent for ALL scenes which involve Doctor Strange in Avengers Infinity War (now filming)
The Guardian... is disturbed by this as we all should be. Especially with "ghosting" happening via Rogue One
Variety yet another award for Isabelle Huppert -- this time in Paris. (Speaking of -- I'm so excited to see how Elle and Things to Come fare at the Césars. Those nominations are Jan 25th)
Page Six Are Kiki Dunst and Jesse Plemons engaged now? Fargo brings people together
MNPP Which is hotter "The Rock" or "The Slab" in Baywatch
The Retro Set looks back at Russia House (1990)
Vulture Ben Affleck was embarassed by his love scene in Live by Night so he cut it. He has been so depressed lately, people. What is up with the glum face. It's been since, what, Gone Girl? (Or was it before that?)
Awards Daily Sasha's favorites of the year
MCN David Poland's 15 most underrated films of the year from Deadpool (wha--- that seems overrated which is the opposite) to The BFG and Pete's Dragon
Long Reads
The Hairpin Hitchcock's legacy of possession in Marnie, Vertigo... It affects even our language
Bright Wall Dark Room is Robert Eggers the next great filmmaker? (The Witch which has been mistreated this awards season.)
The Tracking Board examines what went wrong with The Founder's release
Guardian La La Land considering stage version
Playbill We knew they were remaking the Murder on the Orient Express movie to be released this year. It's also coming to the stage.
Playbill Nicole Kidman nixes plan to take Photograph 51 to Broadway
Reader Comments (27)
In what language is Deadpool considered "underrated"? $800~ million B.O., pop culture phenomenon, gobs of Golden Globe noms, etc. What better metrics does Poland want?
Anyway, sad to hear that Photograph 51 won't transfer to Broadway. I had the pleasure to see it (her) on the West End in London, and she (it) was, predictably, fabulous. A very moving play indeed.
Interesting article about the botching of the release of The Founder. I feel like this award season more than any other have had LOTS of weird release decisions.
Interestingly enough, the Pool article is only about White women. Lol wake me when it mentions women of color.
Farrah -- you missed a good article.
I didn't miss it I read it, but give me a break they're still rich white and privileged.
I have to agree with Farrah, one of the bosses at work told us that we shouldn't listen to Beyoncé because she supports Black Lives Matter and is a racist cop hater, but we should feel sorry for Taylor Swift and Lena Dunham? The amount of vitrol that Leslie Jones received this year was inhumane, but the article only mentions White women?? Margaret Cho speaks her mind about Whitewashing and gets trashed, but let's only focus on the White women hate ??
The problem with this article is that People of Color can't afford to make these silly mistakes, the hate and backlash would be a lot stronger, probably even ruin careers.
None of the women she mentioned for future consensus hate are remotely popular enough to garner it.
Swift and Lawrence aren't dragged enough. Waiting for either one to pull a Rampling. And please queens don't turn that into a complimentary statement for them!
Farrah & Nikki -- i think the idea was to point out the shift from wildly loved and praised to hated in record time. Leslie Jones doesnt fit that narrative (yes the vitriol she received was absurd / disgusting / all the adjectives but it wasn't a weird. we loved you 5 minutes ago we hate you now kind of thing)
I think it's important to recognize these patterns to fight sexism.
I adore La La Land, but so much of what makes it so appealing as a movie would get lost if it was made into a stage musical. It is such a cinematic experience and I see so much of that not woriking onstage.
Ben has been on 2 chat shows here in the uk in 3 months and was the same each interview,detached.
Does Sasha ever watch foreign films lol?
The Pool article is so spot on it's scary. I am starting to fear for Angela Merkel :)
Sasha's list is the most basic top ten imaginable. It must be nice having a top ten of the year that is just about every single film in the hunt for Oscar.
The piece about the mangling of The Founder's Oscar chances is enlightening. I wish they had just waited till spring. It's terrible that a probably wonderful Keaton performance won't get its proper due. That Birdman loss still hurts. And he should have gotten the nod that went to Ruffalo last year. But I try to focus on the fact he's back and better than ever.
Sasha Stone 's article is v moving, cant help but get misty eyes reading her lovely n touching tributes o those wonderful films
As someone who predicted a year ago that Keaton would win the Oscar for The Founder, I found that article particularly maddening. But it does explain the tepid, semi-campaign for Gold as well.
As much as I ADORED La La Land (saw it for a third time in cinemas last week, an unprecedented thing for me), I really hope they don't do a stage version. Every single person I know who didn't like it was thinking of it as a musical, not a movie musical, which is VERY MUCH what it is. Cinema is ingrained right into the heart of it, and putting it on stage would just not work - it would end up becoming something very different entirely, almost by necessity.
I think it's really important when articles like The Tracking Board's insights into The Founder are shared. I think it's helpful to remember that every year decisions are being made that deny people the opportunity for recognition. How heartbreaking for an actor - especially for someone like John Carroll Lynch who could REALLY benefit from award recognition. But it also helps put the awards into better context. Being nominated (and winning) is a coming together of so very many variables besides talent and performance. I will still thrill for the nominated actors and winners but I will also keep reminding myself that the nominations and wins represent a remarkable confluence of events which makes it even more amazing but also less about giving the best performance of the year.
billybil, very true. i posted this in another entry, but nobody wins an Oscar just for their performance. There's always another factor looming large.
That tracking board article is infuriating. I was on board that movie as soon as it was announced and I still can't believe it's not released. Did the Weinstein's actually think they'd get award traction with this ridiculous release date? August would have been the perfect slot; the summer movie season is winding down, and you'd get a head start on all of the festival dates in September. Like many here, I feel for Michael Keaton; getting robbed three years in a row must really sting.
Oooh that article on The Witch is phenomenal, thanks for that link!
I cannnnnot waiittttt to see what Robert Eggers does next with Nosferatu
The reference to that other Oscar-loving website makes me want to say thank you to all the writers here for their thoughtful and well-written contributions. Thank you thank you thank you. The Film Experience has been one of my favorite awards site for many years now and it just keeps getting better.
I really wanted to see The Founder work out for Keaton this year, too - and to think the Best Actor race is fairly open! But the Weinsteins have always had a reputation for dumping films that seem promising. Remember Suite Francaise? I don't think it was ever theatrically released in the U.S.
Suzanne -- it never did. I always wanted to see it too thanks to the actors involved.
" La La Land" will loose it's magic on stage it's a true movie musical.... I thought Cushing's image was very well used in "Rogue One" - the voice did not match the original- they could have used an actor in make up but I guess ILM wanted to show off- the effect was eerily convincing. In this digital movie making age everything is possible
The Weinsteins fk up The Founder juz like A24 fk up 20th CW. Imagine had they been released in Aug n Nov respectively, we could b lookin at Keaton as Best Actor n Bening, Best Actress.
Poor Rooney Mara's Una oso stuck in limbo, it was released in SG to v good reviews for both leads but i dun tink it was released in cinemas in states?