Jack Nicholson and Kristen Wiig to Star in "Toni Erdmann" Remake

Robert here, and before I begin, no, you are not having a stroke. That headline truly does read “Jack Nicholson and Kristen Wiig to star in Toni Erdmann remake.”
Variety has reported that Nicholson will make his first appearance on the big screen since 2010 in an American version of the off-kilter German comedy. Toni Erdmann has garnered probably more critical acclaim than any other movie this year and is nominated for Best Foreign Film at the Oscars. This is Nicholson's first role since How Do You Know? which seems wrong, but I suppose IMDB doesn't lie!
He will be playing the role of Winnifred (let's assume he gets an Americanized name) played by Peter Simonischeck in the original film, a lonely music teacher fond of playing practical jokes, especially involving prop teeth. Wiig, who has been building a solid body of work in the “funny but also debilitatingly sad” genre, is set to play his daughter Inez, an uptight business woman who invites her father to visit her at her home abroad to mixed results.
There are a lot of questions circling this remake:
Will it still take place in Romania?
Will there be as much full frontal nudity?
Will it still be three hours long?
Who will play Inez's coworker/lover who defiles a macaroon?
We will just have to wait and see! As of right now the film has no release date but news is moving quickly. Personally, I think if the film must be remade Nicholson and Wiig are inspired choices, but I'm just extremely confused why this was slated to be remade in the US. Let's hope that it keeps the uncomfortable, weird humor and doesn't try to water down the political and social commentary. Fingers crossed!
Reader Comments (32)
No frontal nudity. No bestiality. No politics. Nor exotic foreign settings. Everything stateside and in English.
Nicholson will at least beat Streep to Oscar number four. And Wiig is winning her category whether lead or supporting because Nicholson's female costars never lose their categories when he wins. Wish Chastain were playing the daughter.
I am TORN with this news.
The casting IS amazing. Jack as Winifred is perfect and Kristen as Inez is inspired. Chastain is too pretty. I also saw a great suggestion with Pacino and Rose Byrne.
BUT wtf? Why do people always try to remake something foreign?! And good god on earth let this remake be as crazy as the original. I can't even if they decide to make fewer nudity.
BTW it is a little cake that the man defiled, not a macaroon, lol but still..
I loathe the idea of doing a remake of a movie released two months ago, but I love to know that Jack is back and fine (I thought he was senile) and Wiig is a super inspired choice.
Wht cant Americans just read subtítles???
The fact Jack isn't losing his marbles and is back maybe one last time is gr8 news,can we create a role for Hackman which he can do from home,please!!
Yay. This is to be celebrated. Nicholson is possibly my favorite actor ever; we are lucky to still have him. And picking up interesting roles like this, we know he can be exceptional. Let's hope he does great things and doesn't phone it in.
Hey Hollywood, let's remake something while it's still in production. Hell, let's remake it in the script stage! (Zzz...)
In Welcome to Me Kristen Wiig has an extended naked scene where she walks around a crowded casino bush to the breeze, so she's not against dropping trou for a laugh.
Who says he is getting an Oscar?? Moronic. But then consider the source😎😎
Who says Jack is getting an Oscar?? Moronic but then consider the source😎😎😎
Why do we even have an Albert Brooks if we're not casting him in this?
I was lukewarm on "Erdmann," but I'm not surprised by this remake news. The core of the original was very 1990s Hollywood comedy, only they removed about 80% of the jokes and replaced them with uncomfortable silence.
I will admit that immediately after first seeing Toni Erdmann I immediately thought of what an American remake would look like, and my conclusion was that it would not be very good at all, because Hollywood doesn't know what to do with this kind of laconic comedy (and besides, look at how they ruined the perfect French farce The Dinner Game).
That said, this casting seems pretty great, and so long as Judd Apatow steps nowhere near it, it might even be kind of good. If they have the courage to let the film breathe in the same way the German film does, it could be great. But I'm not holding out too much hope for that.
Get that fourth Oscar, JACKO!!! Woot!
This plus the inspired Kristen Wiig casting is life-giving, truly! Can't wait for more detailed casting news!!
One hour and 47 minutes. Written by Diablo Cody. Directed by Lisa Cholodenko. I could see it. #neverhappen
/3rtful: Huh? I'd buy Denzel beating Streep to four more than I'd buy Nicholson beating her to four with this. This could be (probably even IS) a 13th nom, but not more than that.
As for the questions:
Why: Jack.
How: Adam McKay
Will it still take place in Romania: Yes. ESPECIALLY now.
Will there be as much nudity: Probably not.
Will it still be (2.75) hours long: Hell no.
Who will play the guy who defiles a macaroon: Will Arnett would be good, if expected. For surprise factor, Michael Cera?
Kristin and Jack--SOLD.
I'm usually against US remakes of foreign films, but daaaaaamn if this casting doesn't get me excited anyway. Also, for those worrying about the politics, Adam McKay is producing. Given his swerve into hardcore political film-making over the last few years - from the end credits of The Other Guys, to The Big Short, to the currently filming Dick Cheney movie - as well as the swerve the country has taken into `how is anything NOT political anymore?' - I think this could be the exception to the remake rule.
Now let's just hope they get Marielle Heller to direct.
Will the pastry scene be in the American version too? I like Jack and Kristen but the film will probably be directed by David Frankel or Shawn Levy.
We always hope for the best, but this has trainwreck written all over it. The predictions of Oscar nominations are dubious at best.
As much as I like Wiig, my mind went to Sarah Polley when news first broke of this project and Nicholson's return.
I do love the idea of this movie being remade for North American audiences. We all know that foreign films are a hard sell here, however unfortunate that is. Remakes can recapture lightning in a bottle - let's not forget The Departed is an English language remake and and amazing one at that. Hopefully, they get this right. It wouldn't be fair that Nicholson's last movie is How Do You Know. I always found it to be sad that Bette Davis' final movie was Wicked Stepmother.
Right now I can't think of a single American remake of a foreign film that ever worked. So why bother?
Just saw the original, and I caaaaan't see how the material is going to translate effectively. The version I see in my head is sanitized, neutered, predictable, and utterly uninteresting. The only plus: it probably won't be as long.
Marcos - "The Birdcage".
Actually, the more I think about this, the more I wish it was just Maren Ade making a brand new film with a brand new screenplay with these two instead. Is it too late to make that happen?
When I heard Nicholson was cast i immediately cast Amy Adams in m head for the daughter role and had her winning Oscar for it... all without having seen the original. Philistine.
However, more Wiig!
Hope Jack does not do another parody of himself!
Marcos - as previous mentioned - The Departed. Also great remakes that are also superior to the original, Some Like it Hot, Resevoir Dogs, Victor/Victoria. Just to name a few. Admittedly, there are more misses than hits, but the hits do happen and when they do happen - they tend to be gold!
Whatever happened to the Force Majeure remake? Also, so every hit foreign comedy nominated for an Oscar will now get a remake?
"Why do we even have an Albert Brooks if we're not casting him in this?"
It's my understanding that Nicholson is the one spearheading this project, hence his casting before a script or a director or anything else is in place.
I admit my mind first went to Bill Murray when I thought of an American remake, but Jack is an interesting choice. I guess he wants one last stab at a great movie. My mind also first went to Amy Adams, but I love Kristen, I just hope it doesn't turn out to be terrible like it very easily could.
Inspired is the last word I would use to describe the casting. I love both of them, but I already know exactly how they'll approach the roles. Kirsten Dunst would have been a great choice.
This remake absolutely does not have my blessing, especially if a female isn't directing.
I wish Hollywood would just give Maren Ade a deal to make an original film for them rather than taint her magnum opus.