YNMS: Rough Night

Chris here. With the vengeful bitches of The Beguiled, the raucousness of Girls Trip, and the asskickery of Atomic Blonde coming for our eyeballs, it's shaping up to be a delightfully less macho summer movie season! And now the Broad City team of writer/director Lucia Aniello and Paul W. Downs is bringing another female-led delight for the summer, Rough Night. Scarlett Johansson leads the exciting cast of Zoë Kravitz, Kate McKinnon, Ilana Glazer, and Jillian Bell for the debaucherous (and deadly) bachelorette party - brace yourselves for "Bridesmaids and The Hangover meet Weekend At Bernie's" comparisons as this one opens.
The first trailer brings the NSFW laughs and shows off the ensemble - so take a look and we'll break down the Yes No Maybe So after the jump...
- It's taken us this long to get Kate McKinnon playing an Australian singer/songwriter party clown, so enjoy it dammit.
- Is that a choreographed friend dance routine? Immediate one star upgrade on all reviews!
- Zoë Kravitz never separating from her wine during catastrophe is my kinda gal!
- Did anyone else catch the glimpse of that stuffy looking bachelor party? Kudos
- Dead hooker jokes? Yikes.
- Even when the jokes land, this type of farce is getting predictable in its raunchy rhythms.
- One comedy can only sustain so many cocaine jokes.
- Much as I'd love this to change my mind, I remain alergic to Jillian Bell.
- Shouldn't we trust the makers of Broad City to deliver some satire? Please oh please skewer the tackiness of white lady bachelorette parties to their full potential.
- While Johansson isn't one you think to be a headliner for a comedy, the trailer's attention is spread between each of the ladies more than you would expect with her starpower. Wouldn't that be refreshing if this was more egalitarian than its contemporaries?
- Just think of all the new Ilana Glazer gifs.
I am leaning YES on this by the cast alone, though the trailer is promising! Tell us your thoughts in the comments!
Reader Comments (18)
who's the hooker? he cute
I'm so happy someone else doesn't get Jillian Bell, and to be honest, I don't think this sis going to change my mind. i'm getting tired of her shtick after Office Christmas Part and Fist Fight. No thank you. I'm also a little bit apprehensive whenever a female led comedy like this comes along, as if their trying too hard to be as raunchy, as disgusting and amoral as the male driven comedies, many of which are already terrible to begin with, so why emulate trash? Bachelorette was different animal because that vehicle, and the formidable women driving it, didn't give a f*** about 'redemptive character arcs', an assumption of which, sight unseen, I can safely assume Rough Night would be full of. Now if we could get an Americanized version of a film like 8 Women, that I would be on-board for.
This screams The Sweetest Thing (2002), and we know how that one turned out. (Niet.)
The Sweetest Thing, oh my god 'Never Forget' hahaha
Mareko: Or, even more appropriately due to this specific plot outline, Very Bad Things.
This trailer led me down an IMDB rabbit hole to find out all these women's ages to make sure they could have all gone to college together (I know, this is a raunchy comedy, but I'd still like age continuity. Sue me) and I was SO surprised to find out how not only are they all relatively the same age, KATE MCKINNON IS YOUNG! I guess she is perpetually Hillary in my mind and that ages her up a lot, but who knew she is only in her early thirties. I feel like she should be doing more and needs better opportunities to do so. Anyone think she'll try her hand at drama anytime in the near future??
Trailerslike this make me long for the Julia/Meg/Sandra romantic comedy days.
I'm excited for this. I'll watch Kate McKinnon in anything she is in.
Yeah, it's too bad about the derivative plot but otherwise I'm a yes.
And I can't help but point out that if the genders were reversed, there's no way a female stripper would only get her top off. They would make sure she got down to her underwear before anything happened to her. But of course we must protect the men from physical vulnerability, exploitation and embarrassment...
The stripper ends up not "dead" after all and kidnaps the ladies with the help of his druggie gang friends for subjecting him to Jillian Bell?
Then, that's a hard pass, I'm afraid, as opposed to a soft one.
Jillian I found incredibly hilarious in 22 Jump Street, however.
This look dumb and funny
Manny: If this is as much of a gender flip of Very Bad Things as the initial set-up and roster size implies? Here's the plot beyond the set up: ScarJo turns out to be a psycho, intentionally kills three people (the security guard and two others) when they start cracking (two are probably sisters, one killing the other), is killed at the wedding, the bride is asked to bury them and kill the one person left, she can't go through with it, gets into a car crash, has her legs amputated below the knee and the other friend goes brain dead, forcing the groom to care for the two left AND a set of kids, causing him to go out in the street and break down screaming in the street. Rough Night, eh? If all of that happens? You can shout "You Ripped Off Very Bad Things!" as the credits start rolling.
Slightly OT: The Atomic Blonde trailer just dropped. As the OTHER (as in, the one who didn't decide to do the sequel) John Wick director's follow-up? Very curious. Especially since, well...Charlize? I know the "easy" money would say if Charlize gets Oscar heat this year, the Oscar player would be for Tully. But until we know for sure, I'm still saying Atomic Blonde is far likelier. Why? 1. Even though it's an action movie, it IS still a period piece with a better cast beyond Charlize (Ron Livingston, Mackenzie Davis and Mark Duplass in Tully vs. James McAvoy, Eddie Marsan, Toby Jones, Sofia Boutella (thank you, Star Trek Beyond, for confirming she has SOME acting chops) and John Goodman in Atomic Blonde. Yeah, on paper, gotta go with the latter.) 2.
What I was going to say: 2. Are we sure Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody aren't, both, past their sell-by date? I'd be hesitant to predict either of them for anything Oscar related, since it's not 2011 anymore.
I think that it's a no from me. The trailer reminds me too much of that horrible 'Bachelorette' film from 2012, butt with added dead man.
@Volvagia: I would pay to see that, 100%. lol That and Drowning Mona are fascinating 'what happened here?' black comedies from the late '90s-early '00s...
@Ez, I definitely see the shades of Bachelorette... Except, for all its attempts at outrageousness, that one also had some real guts and emotion behind it. This one looks pretty friggin' spare of anything except the Greatest Hits of College Frosh Bucket Lists.
ScarJo & McKinnon, I'm in.