The Link Where It Happens

Link love time.
• Vulture Michelle Pfeiffer's ten essential roles
• Prizeo Lin-Manuel Miranda offers up the chance to win VIP tickets and a meet and greet at the opening night of Hamilton in Los Angeles with a donation to "Immigrants Get the Job Done Coalition". (And FYI two former Tony nominees Joshua Henry as Aaron Burr and Rory O'Malley as King George are in the company)
• Vanity Fair on how difficult it is to get a gay film made in today's Hollywood. The headline to this is a bit misleading since it's like "in a post-Moonlight world" but let's be reasonable. Moonlight only made its dent a handful of months back. So most of the films cited didn't have Moonlight to point to when seeking financing
• THR More dirt on what happened behind the scenes on the troubled Han Solo movie
• Nerdist Why Megara is the MVP of Disney's Hercules
• Playbill The glorious Audra McDonald finally makes her West End debut, no big deal after 6 Tony Awards, reprising her Tony winning / Emmy nominated Lady Day at Emerson's Bar & Grill Billie Holiday role
• Buzzfeed the hardest game of 'would you rather' with hot cartoon dudes. I don't know. Most of these were easy for me but your mileage may vary.
• Variety offers up a franchise report card on the various series that are taking up so much of Hollywood's time and capital. But shouldn't Bond and Tarzan have been included in this roundup?
• Decider lists the '20 best foreign films on Netflix'... though the list would have been more exciting had they editorialized rather than just pulling the RT scores to determine which 20 to feature
• MNPP pic of the day with Edgar Wright at a Baby Driver screening
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Check out this glorious montage of NYC (hat tip to Gothamist) as seen through the movies.
New York in Cinema - Supercut from Sergio Rojo on Vimeo.
God, I love living here. And one of my fav things in movies is city street scenes where the main character is just part of a huge walking crowd (the most classic visual example being Tootsie I think). How many movies did you instantly recognize?
Reader Comments (27)
"But shouldn't Bond and Tarzan have been included in this roundup?"
If these two film series had their next entries coming out this year, they would've. The Variety article is only covering franchises that have already had entries released within the first half of 2017.
The West End is not Broadway. They don't give standing ovations that easy.
Cheri is essential, I guess, insofar as it marked an underwhelming false start to her late career. I think you could get a fine sense of Michelle Pfeiffer without it (ditto Stardust).
I'd bump those for Dangerous Minds (an iconic movie star moment that defines a certain subgenre of film) and Grease 2.
The Vulture list is fine, but the absence of Dangerous Liasons and Frankie & Johnny is criminal.
I would have add also Love Field.
It's really time to rediscover all those gems.
Oh wow, I didn't notice those were missing! Yeah, strike several of those Vulture choices.
Yes, Frankie & Johnny is one of her greatest performances! Miscast but completely rises above that to give us an extraordinary, devastating performance.
Nathaniel – have you read this Vulture article on Pfeiffer's Catwoman:
Together with those already mentioned we cannot forget:
A Thousand Acres
The Deep End of the Ocean
that video of New York... really nice, but I miss "Cruising" and "Escape from NY" the most...
Dangerous Minds??? Wut? And she was fucking brilliant in the underrated Stardust. I'd take off Scarface and put in A Thousand Acres.
Is the Vulture article the start of the 'Michelle is overdue for an Oscar' narrative? Because I can get on board with that.
I think we need to make a distinction between "essential" and "best" here. I'd definitely put Grease 2 and Dangerous Minds under the former but not the latter.If you're looking for a full career picture i think it's gotta be
and for best performances a different list that reads maybe like so
Rami -- wait. why does Vulture get to start it. We;ve been talking about her all year for the RePfeiffal! :)
My bad Nathaniel. But to be fair this site has been Pfeiffer-positive since forever (and rightly so)
Nathaniel—surely Frankie & Johnny is missing from your "Best Performances" list? I'd say it's both essential and best—better than four or five of the performances that made your "best" list.
I absolutely agree with the piece about Meg. She is wonderful. She may be the very first modern Disney female character. Plus she gets a great song.
Although I have to revisit, Frankie and Johnny was one of her masterworks...should've been nominated, should've won!
"Moonlight" was low budget independent film - Hollywood studios do not finance gay theme movies even after "Brokeback Mountain" won all those Oscars (and yes it was robbed by not getting Best Picture) When was the last time you saw a studio produced film with a gay lead?
I really hope that Michelle has a renaissance. When you look at her filmography, she should be an AFI winner, but they may need to see that she still has some current/long-term staying power with movie audiences, since her last big splash was probably in the 1990's.
Will no one mention The Deep End of the Ocean? Okay, I will. At least one Pfeiffer pfan has to love that performance.
Pfeiffer has had a few big splashes since the '90s: What Lies Beneath, White Oleander (at least here at TFE), Hairspray and Startdust (big year, 2007), and now—fingers crossed—2017.
I like her in the Deep End of the Ocean, which otherwise suffers from Lifetime movie-level melodrama and production values. But her acting in it is aces, particularly with her on-screen (oldest) son.
What makes me sad is that no one seems to appreciate her winning peformance in One Fine Day. Pfeiffer was playful and sexy and had good chemistry with George Clooney. I wished she had done more rom-coms in that vein.
Mareko - thank you for citing One Fine Day. She was exceptionally casual yet arresting in every scene.
Surprisingly, Stardust is showing it really has some legs, people still talk about that movie with a lot of affection - at the time I thought it was a bit throwaway, but now I think it definitely deserves a place in Pfeiffer's 'essential' list.
Plus she's by far the best thing about it, natch.
I lived in NYC for eleven months in the aughts. I always think about going back. I dunno.
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