"Werk Werk" The Beguiled does Hamilton

You may think you didn't need to see Colin Farrell doing his best hair flip to "The Schuyler Sisters" from Hamilton, but you'd be wrong.
Our hearts are bursting. It turns out the little girls of The Beguiled made a Hamilton lipsync video while goofing around on set to accompany a donation to Lin-Manuel Miranda's "immigrants get the job done" coalition (we mentioned the contest the other day)... May this challenge others to donate, too! Oona Lawrence leads us as Aaron Burr, with Emma Howard as Angelica, Angourie Rice as Eliza, and little Addison Riecke as Peggy.
You may think you're loving the video in the first minute but wait til the rest of the stars start popping up. Everyone is in this! Heaven.
Reader Comments (11)
This is amazing-and of course Nicole shows up and is flawless.
Goddamn... that was awesome and yes, everyone is in that video. Werk-werk.
I played the video before reading your warning that everyone was in it and, I'm not gonna lie, I was so tense until I saw Kidman pop up towards the end!
jumped off the couch when Nicole appeared... it is so much fun.
COLIN looking so freakin' good. The gif of him from this is now a fave. AND NICOLE!
Also: This "lip sync to Hamilton" thing is eventually going to lead to think-pieces and cultural appropriation debates, isn't it?
Glenn -- oh god i hope not. The tragic thing about that is that Lin-Manuel Miranda is such a warm inclusive person. So many people lately think they can make the world better by separating us all more and more. The only answer is inclusion because there are never not going to be people of different races in the world. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to see this. And it also earns money for a charity he loves.
LMM's tweeted his reaction already: "Is The Beguiled HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO FEEL WHILE WATCHING THIS BECAUSE ACCURATE Thank you!"
Anyways, this challenge has been fun to watch. So many fans (duh)! Also Colin Farrell hair flipping FOREVER.
Nat I love you, but I don't think you've been mis-defining cultural appropriation as of late, as do many people, even well-intended ones. The Atlantic recently had a solid article about what CA actually is: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/10/the-dos-and-donts-of-cultural-appropriation/411292/. It's fairly obvious to anyone with a solid grasp of the CA debate that girls parodying or singing "Hamilton" wouldn't count as appropriation, since it's a Broadway musical that's meant to be shared and enjoyed by all. (Casting of Hamilton productions is another issue, if we're going by LMM's own intentions and statements.)
I think you have been*, sorry*
I know the 'net can be a seemingly everlasting cauldron of outrage, but let's remember that its sheer existence appears to compound even the most casual of negative statements. 50 people (out of a platform of hundreds of millions of users) tweeting "hmm I have complicated feelings about this" "i think this is wrong and sucks" before moving onto a new topic .2 seconds later doesn't translate to the hysterics the media frequently portrays it as.
Caroline -- thanks for the link I shall read. But please notice that I did not actually call this cultural appropriation and agree that that is not what it is.
LOVE THIS! Nicole omg
Just enjoy it guys. Stop thinking about PC shit