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Scary doll in frilly dress rules box office

Today, in honor of creepy Annabelle from The Conjuring franchise earning the #1 spot with her prequel Annabelle: Creation, we break with our usual box office format. This week's box office will be represented entirely by dolls. Which of these movies have you seen?

01 NEW $35 million


02 $11.4 (cumulative $153.7)
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03 NEW $8.9


04 $7.8 (cumulative $34.4)
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05 $6.6 (cumulative $63.5)
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06 $6.5 (cumulative $97.1)
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07 $6.1 (cumulative $306.4)
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08 $5.2 (cumulative $19.3)

09 NEW $4.8
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10 $4.5 (cumulative $42.8)
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Which of these dollies did you spend the weekend with? If your answer is other, tell us what that dolly looked like.

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Reader Comments (29)

I saw Detroit, so the doll would be a bloody black body? I understand why Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal have been criticized for perhaps not being the right pair to make this film, but it is nonetheless very well made and disturbing. A sad reminder that not much has changed for blacks and their relationship with the police over the past 50 years.

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTom Ford

This weekend, I watched Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films and just now, Julieta by Pedro Almodovar. The latter of which is just incredible and certainly an indication that Almodovar is in a class all by himself.

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterthevoid99

This must be one of the weirdest (and not in a good way) posts ever. Too long summer, huh?

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterannie

Can 'Wonder Woman' outgross Sam Raimi's 'Spider-Man'?

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTyler

I am so creep-ed out right now. These images give me the paranoids.

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtful

"Annabelle 2" is mostly just fine, but the first one wasn't even that - so the critics are overrating it. The improvement isn't as dramatic as, say, "Ouija 2". The setting and set-up are quite good; the ending is quite bad.

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDave S.

@ Tyler, "Wonder Woman" will most definitely outgross Raimi's "Spider-Man" both domestically and globally.

Raimi's Spider-Man's Global Cume: $821 million (domestic $403 million)
Wonder Woman's current Global Cume: $797 million (domestic $402 million) + it hasn't opened in Japan yet, where a 30 million box office gross is practically guaranteed).

Not only that but "Spider-Man: Homecoming" has a great shot at outgrossing Raimi's Spider since it hasn't yet opened in China, where a $100 million gross is very likely (especially if we consider the Spider's box office history in China).

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterYavor

The Girls Trip dolls were my weekday dolls so this weekend I had an old hairy French man-lion doll.

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPaolo

I saw The Big Sick and I thought it was ok. I was a bit disappointed with it but I can't really put my finger on why. Maybe I thought that it was going to be funnier?

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterEz

This weekend, I saw The Glass Castle and Menashe. If you've seen the trailer for The Glass Castle, you've seen the movie. It is frustratingly simplistic despite its great acting.

Menashe is a short but impactful film anchored amazingly by non actor Menashe Lustig,

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMatt St.Clair

I just rewatched Jessica Jones, so my doll companion would just be a badass private eye.

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterRobert G

btw, I'm really impressed with Charlize Theron in Atomic Blonde. What a performance! That scene where she's defending a certain someone up to the very brink of what's humanly possible absolutely stays with you, doesn't it?

This is powerhouse action star extravaganza!

Undoubtedly Best Actress Oscar material. Ignore her sketchy RP delivery and Theron's work in this movie is going to be of a better quality compared to at least 1 of the eventual 5 Best Actress nominated performances. Mark my words.

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterYavor

I love that there are two amazing female actors in the top 10 who are taking on action roles typically reserved for men in Hollywood. While one (Atomic Blonde) is great and the other (Kidnap) not so much, it's so refreshing seeing women in these roles. Let's hope that both Halle and Charlize can continue to make films like these if they so choose.

God knows Denzel and Mark Wahlberg or whoever can make millions of these no matter the quality.

I've really made a point this summer to see mainly female led films and it's been a very enjoyable summer in the movies on my end.

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTyson

I bought a ticket for the Atomic Blond doll this weekend. It was good but also maybe slightly disappointing compared to how awesome the trailer was (the songs/beats/editing was so sharp that the same sequences in the film seemed less charged as a result).The newest coming of the Skarsgard clan was my favorite part because it was most unexpected. **drool** It also made me want to go back to Berlin. Oh and that stairwell scene was great...But I think the movie would benefit from a revisit once I've forgotten the trailer.

I am all about these dolls as movies. I am most tempted by the one that represents Nut Job 2 so hmm that's not good. But I also LOVE the bane pelvic-thrusting at Harry Styles. I only wished that I liked Dunkirk half as much as that picture!

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered Commentercatbaskets

On what planet would Charlize receive an Oscar nomination for Atomic Blonde?

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMarie

This was a fun way to show the box office results. I really enjoyed the dolls, with Dunkirk being my favorite. We saw Atomic Blonde, and liked the acting, realistic fight scenes, and music but man was it grim.

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterdaisy

The dolls are brilliant. Had to look up #4, though, and still don't quite get it - is that supposed to be Stephen King?

August 13, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterlylee

Good way to get some Amazon money. Hope that it helped after I clicked on some of those links!

(Seriously, I thought it was kind of creative and fun)

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterkin

I saw The Dark Tower. Nothing mind shattering but a good times at the movies.

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPedro

LOVE this. I saw The Big Sick - FINALLY - which I enjoyed but don't think it quite lived up the hype. But even still, it's mighty enjoyable and certainly the best romantic comedy in years. Then I saw Lady Macbeth, which was GREAT. One of the most interesting female leads in a long time, and FUNNY, which I wasn't expecting at all. But what makes it great is how it makes you laugh and then makes you question the fact that you're laughing, because really, something pretty terrible is happening. Anyway, it's fantastic, and you should all go see it.

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDancin' Dan

Considering that this is the second consecutive year during which the summer movie season has provided little of interest to me, I've been cuddling up on the sofa with the sisters Halliwell from Charmed, so I guess my dolls would be three fair-skinned, raven-haired Barbies. I really wish that Shannen Doherty could have stuck with the series until the end, but seeing the dynamics shift with the introduction of Rose McGowan's character in season four has been fun to watch.

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTroy H.

I watched The Handmaiden and absolutely loved it. Beautiful, dark, sexy and so very Park Chan Wook.


August 14, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMM in DC

I was re watched " Mommie Dearest" with Dunaway's amazing performance- I like the first half best - which is almost like a horror movie

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJaragon

I watched Adrian Lyne's "Lolita", which is pretty amazing and something of a minor classic! I'm slightly too young to remember the details of the controversy when it was released, though I'm certain that it would be received so much more warmly now.

Jeremy Irons is perfect, Dominique Swain is even better... Melanie Griffith is fine (though trying to best an iconic Shelley Winters performance is a fool's errand) and Frank Langella is pretty great too.

Sinister, sleazy and heartbreaking (especially in Swain's final scenes) - I never thought that Lyne was even capable of such an artistic smash!

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterkermit_the_frog

My doll would look like Oprah because I saw The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. How in the world did she not get an Emmy nomination? I get that that category is stacked this year but Oprah was pretty amazing. She had to go big without going over the top, she kept it totally grounded even when the film alluded to mystical influences and she made this complicated, prickly woman totally understood and believable.

The movie itself was also really well done. Propulsive, heartbreaking, funny, well cast and well acted.

Also watched the series finale of Orphan Black. So sad this show is over. Maslaney is flat-out amazing (the finale alone should snag her another Emmy next year, fingers crossed) and the whole series was full of strong, complicated women. I'll miss those characters.

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDJDeeJay

I saw Baby Driver finally. Great first 2/3rds. But what was that last 1/3? Completely different movie.

Watched Les Amants de Montparnasse as part of the National Gallery of Art's Gaumont at 120 series. That Anouk Aimee is the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long long time. Crazy beautiful. I think I'm straight now.

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterCharlieG

Finally caught Guardians of the Galaxy #2 - pretty fun....then for kicks watched the animated The Red Turtle....really good animation - but not my favorite Ghibli.

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterceebee

Tyson -- wouldn't that focus make every summer better?

DJ DeeDay - if they remember it existed. it's airing pretty early to be noticed next year at this time.

MM -- so happy when people get around to that movie. it's freaking superb.

kin -- i dont actually make money with clicks but with minor kickbacks if people buy something at amazon after clicking over. it's probably not worth the effort of all the linking but i make enough to buy groceries with it on occassion and it's all about diversifying your revenue stream to try and keep a roof over one's head.I should probably go back to corporate america but i like writing about movies too much *sniffle*

August 14, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

@Nat - but a lot of them will have to/choose to watch her submission episode, yes? plus campaigns, events, PR, etc. hopefully voters will come through

August 15, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDJDeeJay
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