Box Office: I Feel Pretty, A Quiet Place, and More...

by Nathaniel R
Weekend Box Office (March 23rd-25th) |
W I D E 800+ screens |
L I M I T E D excluding prev. wide |
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1. A Quiet Place $22 (cum. $132.3) REVIEW, SECOND OPINION, SCREENPLAY |
1. 🔺 Bahrat Ane Nenu $2.8 on 305 screens NEW |
2. Rampage $21 (cum. $66.6) | 2. Beirut $1 (cum $3.9) on 755 screens |
3.🔺 I Feel Pretty $16.2 NEW |
3. Death of Stalin $340k on 210 screens (cum. $6.8) REVIEW |
4.🔺 Super Troopers 2 $14.7 NEW |
4. Lean on Pete $177k on 65 screens (cum. $347k) REVIEW |
5. Truth or Dare $7.9 (cum. $33) |
5. 🔺 The Rider $78k on 9 screens (cum. $142k) REVIEW |
A Quiet Place dominated the box office in its third weekend (it's added theaters each weekend despite opening very wide!). It's a genuine smash already earning back more than 10 times its budget in just three weeks time globally. Super Troopers 2 and I Feel Pretty, two new wide release comedies, didn't fare as well though I Feel Pretty could prove to have legs given that word of mouth is much stronger than Schumer's previous film, the misfire Snatched, and the budget is reasonable, too...
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6. Ready Player One $7.5 (cum. $126.1) REVIEW | 6. Final Portrait $78k on 57 screens (cum. $229k) |
7. Blockers $6.9 (cum. $48.2) | 7. 🔺 Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami $41k on 9 screens (cum. $124k) REVIEW |
8. Black Panther $4.6 (cum. $681) PODCAST |
8. Itzhak $28k on 33 screens (cum. $332k) |
9. Traffik $3.8 NEW | 9. Back to Burgundy $15k on 16 screens (cum. $162k) |
10. Isle of Dogs $3.4 (cum. $24.3) CAPSULE | HOMAGE OR APPROPRIATION | IT'S A HIT | 10. 🔺 Godard Mon Amour $12k on 4 screens NEW |
🔺 = new or expanding its theater count numbers (in millions unless otherwise noted) from box office mojo |
One important note on the charts though... these are just estimates. Those are especially fallible when it comes to limited release screenings. For example, the Joaquin Phoenix led arthouse release You Were Never Really Here, now in its third weekend, posted over $300,000 last weekend but has apparently not reported a gross this weekend. Lucretia Martel's critically hosanna'ed Zama (which our own Nick Davis just loves but which left yours truly bewildered) also hasn't listed a gross. It opened to $24,000 last weekend.
Next weekend the multiplexes will get a major shakeup since The Avengers Infinity War opens on presumably 4000+ screens ushering in summer movie season (though here in NYC at least Spring still hasn't really decided to arrive) and presumably an opening weekend of $200 million. We're curious if Black Panther will lose screens or if theater owners will assume some fans will want to return to it again on Avengers weekend? One of the reasons Black Panther has been able to perform so consistently is that it's just not losing screens at anything resembling a normal rate, still at nearly 2000 screens in its 10th weekend.
What did you see this weekend? I caught I Feel Pretty which I genuinely enjoyed (hopefully more on that one soon).
Reader Comments (15)
I watched The Miracles of the Namiya General Store (2017) -- a Japanese-language film about cross-temporal quasi-relationships between an advice-giver and the people whose lives were altered by following/not following the advice. The interesting twist in the story is this: 3 current-day (that is, 2012) youth running from law, find themselves in an abandoned house which turned out to be the house of the advice-giver 32 years ago. Letters still came and the 3 young men found an expression towards redeeming their errant ways by answering letters and doing what's 'right' to people who wrote these letters 32 years ago. The plausibility of the time-change is an acquired taste that some may not have the patience to acquire. The film occasionally dips into self-indulgent acting but the overall cinematic concoction is seductive enough that by the third part, I had to know what happens in the end. There are elements of Yi-Yi, Il Mare and Norwegian Wood to the cinematic storytelling but this film is aimed for a more populist reception.
Not sure if 'love' is the correct emotion I felt after watching the film but it was a refreshing watch nonetheless.
I went for A Quiet Place and it was truly enjoyable. One thing that troubles me though is that why would the family still want to bring a baby into a world with monsters that drawn towards sound? Babies ain't quiet at all...
Saw two completely different offerings...I Feel Pretty and You Were Never Really Here.
The former wasn't bad and even quite enjoyable in spots (Michelle Williams is a comic delight much to everyone's surprise), but the formulaic plot begins to wear.
The latter is a tour de force of brutal violence and beautiful humanity, possibly a masterpiece. I had never seen a Lynn Ramsay film until now and holy shit does she have the goods.
"I Feel Pretty".
I didn't want to see anything in particular, but this was suggested, I said okay, and it turned out to be fun.
I loved Michelle Williams as the granddaughter of Lauren Hutton in a fashionista family. I could watch a whole movie about that.
I'm happy to vote with my dollars for female led comedies. I don't demand that they are perfect before they are allowed to exist.
L'Aubergne Espagnole (incredible film) and my Blind Spot assignment in Robert Bresson's L'Argent (a great final film from one of cinema's great artists).
Rented. The Greatest Showman
Two comments:. 1). Set back the return of musicals... So poorly done.
2). Hugh Jackman was too old for the role.
Finally got to see WHERE IS KYRA this weekend. Missed it during it’s LA run at the Laemmle theaters, but luckily the Edwards Westpark 8 in Irvine extended it for a second week (did NOT know it had opened there until it randomly popped up on my Fandango search). Took me about 1 hour and 20 minutes driving up from San Diego but it was well worth it. Such a hauntingly-shot film and now one of my all-time favorite Michelle Pfeiffer performances.
I watched an Opthalmic trilogy
Blink - when Madeliene Stowe was a film star and Aidan Quinn was beefacke
Don't Look Now - Something new to see on every watch
Eyes of Laura Mars - Hunky Tommy Lee plus Faye Dunaway at her wide eyed histrionic best
I saw A Quiet Place. Was a tad disappointed. It was engaging to watch and has a few great scenes: the toy, the bathtub, the corn silo. But there were also some major flaws: if the monster’s heading is that good they would be able to “see” through echolocation or certainly be able to hear blood pumping and/or breathing. Also the “solution” **mild spoiler** would have been found much earlier than a year and a half in—as soon as they realized that sound was important the humans would have been experimenting with it. **end spoiler**
Agree with much of Sean’s contrarian review. The gender politics of it worried me from the first trailer (in that I think many people will swoon at the depiction of the bearded father-knows-best, beautiful supportive wife, and cooperative survivalist family on rustic farm... not unlike my concerns with Captain Fantastic. This was not redeemed in A Quiet Place, I thought, by the **mild spolier** “gun-toting gal” finale. Because the women only step up (well-armed) when they have too through the absence of men—which is basically a Texas fantasy: belle of the ball turned gun-range beauty **end mild spoiler. The saving grace was the daughter but, yeah, so much left unexplored about the dynamic with the dad. It also felt very Signs-derivative.
On the whole I would say the movie was interesting/mostly entertaining for me but not necessarily “good.”
I actually managed to watch all 5 1970 supporting actress nominees in the past week (I had never seen any of them before). I have to say, I wasn't that interested in watching some of them but glad I did. It was fascinating to see 1970 attitudes toward sex, gender, race, etc.
I didn't like Greatest Showman either but you must be living in a vacuum.
Because Greatest Showman was a gigantic hit with audiences. Definitely helped along the return of musicals.
I saw "The Rider," which is excellent. It's the second sad young man with a horse movie I have seen in two weeks (following the meandering "Lean on Pete"), but this one is really beautifully shot and acted by unknowns who do a great job. In particular, Brady Jandreau is fantastic and carries the whole movie. I would say it's the best movie I have seen so far this year.
Tr: If "musical made for the screen" becomes code for "boring crap"? It'll be a pretty short term return that's going to result in a pretty quick crash. Something like La La Land helps in both short AND long term, while something like The Greatest Showman is only really good in the short term.
@ Tr
I do not live in a vacuum... thank you very much!!
The movie was amateurish and I really that world wide it made a ton of money.
Still I do not see many musicals of a grand scale in the offing,,, YES, Tr I know a Star is Born and Mama Mia 2 are coming out.
I saw "A Quiet Place" which is a good monster movie but felt very familiar- would have been a good one hour "The Outer Limits" or better yet a half hour "Twilight Zone" actually I kept expecting a last minute twist . I was not bothered by the "gender" politics- they are a very movie star family with beautiful sweaters. I was very disappointed with the season 2 of "West World" which should have been a great sci-fi movie and should have ended last year. How about the other worlds in the park? And is it going to be another evil corporation conspiracy movie?