Infinity Tweet

A timely reminder for all print-publishing folk errywhere: Beware the Gutter™
— Adolfo Aranjuez (@adolfo_ae) April 26, 2018
That's definitely a print lesson lost in the age of online media. After the jump warrior unicorns, a Clouds of Sils Maria / superhero fantasy that made me laugh out loud, Janelle Monae and Tessa Thompson, and various bon mots from twitter in general and film fanaticism in particular...
Just overheard a little boy call rhinos ‘warrior unicorns’ and my mind is blown
— Rebecca Gladstone (@rgladstone91) April 21, 2018
Me: [chops off hand in bloody accident]
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) April 23, 2018
"I'll be fine."
Me: [watches movie trailer and misidentifies Elizabeth Perkins as Marcia Gay Harden]
"I'm going to the emergency room."
Remember when In the Mood for Love wasn't nominated for Cinematography, or Costumes, or Actress, or Score, or anything? That was really bad.
— Nick Davis (@NicksFlickPicks) April 6, 2018
here’s Jake Gyllenhaal laundering his shirt in a river in BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN to cheer you up
— Aaron Michael (@subsahaaron) April 18, 2018
— 𝕄𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕖𝕝 𝕊𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕫 (@MrMichaelSwartz) April 21, 2018
— fettucini (soph) (@lgbtjostens) April 27, 2018
ok now that the nerds are gone , party at my place tomorrow quality tequila provided girls n gays free straights $10
What if Infinity War 2 is just all the Avengers roasting Thanos like the White House Correspondents Dinner?
— M’BlockU (@rodimusprime) April 29, 2018
My favourite part of infinity war was when Thanos revealed he didn't get his power from the infinity stones but soy milk, was a real plot twist.
— iSorrowproductions (@ISPuuuv) April 29, 2018
If you then
— Omer Alvi (@Omeralvi_) April 28, 2018
don't you dont
love me deserve me
at my at my#CaptainAmerica
My favorite part of Infinity War was when Captain America hugged Thanos and they realized the real infinity stones were in their hearts all along #infintywar
— Cameron (@the_traitor361) April 28, 2018
Ariana Grande is Regina George’s 8-year-old sister who gyrates to “Milkshake.”
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) April 29, 2018
I take it you’re watching “The Handmaid’s Tale”?
— Jordan Veilleux (@veilleuxwho) April 27, 2018
me retweeting myself
— Matt Erspamer (@erspamer_matt) April 29, 2018
Galactus: I am the Ender of worlds!
— Christopher May (@chrismayhap) April 28, 2018
Maria: I am Maria Enders, star of Maloja Snake.
Galactus: You were breathtaking in that.
Maria: No...
Galactus: Your Helena was a Tour de Force.
Maria: You're making me blush.
Galactus: I'm glad they didn't cast Isabelle Carré
Maria: Oh! Same.
You're going to have to excuse me for a minute
— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) April 27, 2018
This picture of Riz Ahmed & Ed Skrein has winded me
FYI: According to a Tumblr question answered by Miz Cracker, she stans Nicole Kidman. So this is canon.
— Frank Costa 💧 (@feistyfrank) April 23, 2018
*at speed dating*
— m i t h (@ManInTheHoody) April 23, 2018
Guy: Hi, I'm a rocket scientist
Shania Twain: not impressed
Brad Pitt: Hi I'm Bra
Guy: I'm a pathological liar, cheat on my wife all the time, my hair is fake, and i really hate people that aren't white.
Shania: 😍😍😍
you and me both buddy. #AvengersInfinityWar
— Anthony Oliveira (@meakoopa) April 26, 2018
Finally, this would be a perfect tweet if Tessa Thompson were spelled correctly but I still had to retweet because AGREE.
janelle monae booping thessa thompson on the nose rt if you agree
— (cry)stal (@siilkytofu) April 28, 2018
and no i didn't forget it was Michelle Pfeiffer's birthday today. Give me a minute, okay?
Reader Comments (7)
It's a good thing I kissed that cardboard Scarlett before I saw the film as what I just was devastating.
Poor Michael Fassbender. He jumped on the Superheroes/Marvel/Alien waggon and he ruined his career.
When did Fassbender's career got ruined? If anything, it is probably The Snowman.
The ASSBENDER tweet is from an editor of mine here in Melbourne!
Nicole Kidman is "cold as hell but still wins people over?"
Sorry, but that's a D- take on Nicole Kidman.
But a really good Nicole would make an A+ Snatch Game character! I think Cracker could pull it off.
That Janney tweet didn't format correctly here but it's pretty funny.
Love these posts.