I'm still trying to work up to a weekly Theater series (as related to cinema as it can be) as I know that many readers are interested in Broadway, too... but we'll see. It's difficult to branch out onto those invite lists.
To most people the news that Broadway star Will Swenson, who was so sensational as "Berger" in Hair is going to direct a film called "Facing East" about a Mormon family dealing with their gay son's suicide is just regular pre-production movie news. To me it's college nostalgia gone wild. The universe is just refusing to let me live in the present this past month or so. So many things keep throwing me backwards in time. See, Swenson went to BYU in the 90s when I was there and he's the second alum to make me feel completely unproductive. What have I been doing with my life? First there was Aaron Eckhart, who preceded us, becoming a movie star and now Swenson, directing on top of being an amazing musical theater performer?

I have to thank Towleroad for sharing the news but it's more than news to me; it's personal.
The writer of the play Carol Lynn Pearson was kind of a heroine for me and my friends in college because she was a (controversial) Mormon celebrity who was speaking out within the Mormon community about the LGBT struggle when people just didn't talk about it. Or talked about it in horrific ways. (I could tell you horror stories.) We all read her memoir "Goodbye I Love You" (her ex-husband, a closeted gay man, died of AIDS) and went to see her one woman monologue show "Mother Wove the Morning." I haven't seen this play "Facing East" but if anyone is familiar do share.
While it seems odd for a Broadway star to get a movie directing gig, it's not an entirely random decision. Swenson was a headline star of that brief media-blip wave of Mormon cinema in the early Aughts. He knows the subject matter and he has one directorial feature under his belt already: Sons of Provo, 2004. I only ever saw one of those "Mollywood" (teehee) features, a murder mystery called Brigham City (2001) which was okay.
Terence Stamp, Guy Pearce and Hugo Weaving in PRISCILLA (1994)
Currently Swenson is headlining Priscilla on Broadway. Yes, it's based on the 1994 Oscar winner. Swenson has the Hugo Weaving role of "Mitzi", who drives the narrative with her performing gig in the outback, taken for secretive personal reasons. Nick Adams is playing the showy Guy Pearce "Felicia" part and Tony Sheldon has the best role "Bernadette" previously played by Terence Stamp to Oscar nomination worthy effect. Damn you AMPAS.
(It's weird that Broadway is colliding with Mormonism right now, huh? The Book of Mormon is all anybody wants to talk about.)
For what it's worth Swenson is dating the one & only Audra McDonald. McDonald has been wasting her musical talents for some years now on television in Private Practice (unless that show has become a musical against my knowledge). Then again if she's not on TV she's not going to win the EGOT and she's only an Emmy and an Oscar away. She's already got two Grammys and four Tonys!
While I'm sure her bank account thanks her for the series regular decision, voices like hers (straight up magnificent) don't come around very often. If you are anywhere near the Boston area, try to get a ticket to the reimagining of Porgy and Bess that's coming in August with McDonald headlining. It'll most likely be a true event.