So You Think You Can Link?

Blog Stage says what I've been meaning to say about Rotten Tomatoe's Career-O-Matic. Why are so many websites praising it for charting actor's careers. It does no such thing!
In Contention Guy Lodge boards the Christopher Plummer Best Supporting Actor nomination train that I suspect more people will find themselves on soon. The film will need to expand and catch on more to get said train out of the station though.
Movie|Line honors 12 of Helena Bonham-Carter's craziest looks in honor of her new job as the face of Marc Jacobs.
Towleroad a few notes on Magneto's confusing sexuality and a new (singing!) Hugh Jackman film.
Go Fug Yourself Nicole Kidman at the CMAs wearing the craziest thing I've ever seen her wear.Off Screen
Fox News --Normally I wouldn't link to them but I think this story involving BYU (my alma mater) and So You Think You Can Dance is just SO ridiculous. BYU has not loosened up at all in the past 15 years. If anything it was actually a more liberal place when I was there ... which is a frightening thought.

Reader Comments (8)
I think my BYU time was before yours, but this whole thing drives me crazy as well. It's always such a double standard, I mean didn't Donny Osmond parade around in only his loincloth in Joseph for years and years? It's not like anybody wants to wear the secret magical underwear anyway. I'm thinking BYU is just jealous of rocking bod and "who cares" atttitude.
The BYU thing makes me scratch my head. I'm a huge "So You Think You Can Dance" fan, and there are always a handful of BYU students auditioning and making the top twenty every year. (And if we're going to go outside the BYU sphere, at least half of the yearly finalists are Mormon. Seriously.) Why are they making such a fuss about it now? A lot of the BYU dancers show up scantily clad, especially the female ballroom dancers.
Just weird.
You went to BYU?!? What was that experience like?
so you're a Mormon then?
wally -- in a previous life, yes. I thankfully escaped.
Re: Christopher Plummer -- The commenters on Entertainment Weekly's website are already predicting his Osar victory next year.
Re: BYU/"SYTYCD" -- I guess the folks at BYU are just like all the other Bible-toting people in the country (this coming from someone who attends church regularly) -- both afriad of by and overly preoccupied with anything remotely sexual, which, of course, is why everything they do or say regarding the subject makes absolutely no sense.
Big thumbs up on the Plummer love; he was actually my favorite part of "Imaginarium"; but since I'd not had many performances to judge him by (aside from The Sound of Music and a terrific perf in The Insider that was nearly overshadowed by rather hambone lead performances) seeing him in that felt like a revelation "Where has this man been?" I'm looking forward to seeing the Beginner - and would love to see some Oscar love for an actor who can give a nuanced, layer, unselfconscious and relaxed performance.
Which means that it'll probably never happen. Oscar likes his hambones far too much.
Beginners reviews:
"Christopher Plummer is perfection. His grins of joy are like fireworks. After a half-century onscreen, it's like we're seeing him for the first time. Ewan McGregor is great. Mélanie Laurent is beguiling."
"’Beginners’ may well secure Christopher Plummer an overdue Academy Award. About time! What crafty delight this lion brings to the screen."
So: Best Supporting Actor At The 2012 Oscars:
Christopher Plummer—“Beginners”