Curio: What's Up Doc?

by Nathaniel R
Illustration by Glen Hanson. His incredible shop is here.
After Claudio's article about Madeline Kahn in What's Up Doc? I was inspired to rewatch it (it had been a gazillion years). The movie was even better than I had vaguely remembered from childhood. And as great as Kahn was I was all about the incredibly sexy chaos/chemistry of Ryan O'Neal's stuffy geologist and Babs' over-educated troublemaker. Then on Streisand's birthday this week one of our favourite illustrators, Glen Hanson, posted some in progress What's Up Doc? (1972) drawings that are just super and also sang to Babs on his Instagram.
This all led to missing the departed "Curio" column so let's revive it to celebrate movie-inspired art each week. After the jump more art inspired by What's Up Doc...