The Many Genres of "Jane the Virgin"

Please welcome new contributor Jorge Molina to the team. Here's his take on "Jane the Virgin," returning to TV tonight, two seasons in...
Jane the Virgin returns tonight on the CW for season 3Jane the Virgin has always been a hard show to describe. Even its one-line, high concept premise takes a couple of reads to fully grasp: “A young Catholic Latina virgin gets accidentally artificially inseminated. Hilarity ensues.”
Two seasons in and the show hasn’t gotten any less complex. Each episode adds more layers on plot, character, and style: someone will get pregnant or thrown down the stairs; there will be flashbacks, and murders, and small meaningful moments; and it will be as bombastic as it will be intimate. Sometimes in a matter of scenes.
Jane the Virgin is the rare case of a show that’s created entirely on pastiche, and yet has an unmistakable originality and essence that’s fully its own.
It embodies many genres, and weaves them all together in one single, coherent, Latin-loving storyline. Five genres as example after the jump...