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Your challenge for the day should you choose to accept it is to use the following in conversation at some point:
"Pappy told me about Poon but he never
said anything about Poonanny, Pippy."
Do it! Because today is the 10th anniversary of
Bubble Boy of course, and such an occasion demands reverent observation. Where would we be without
Bubble Boy? Would the world have ever learned to love all things Gyllenhaalic without it? Oh sure some might say that Jake Gyllenhaal owes his career to the cult of
Donnie Darko, a film that flopped in theaters just two months later (perhaps a movie about planes falling out of the sky didn't stand a whole lot of a chance right after 9/11) but eventually went on to coil its little bunny-shaped permanent place in a distant corner of the cultural imagination all the same, but those in the know... well those in the know still credit
Donnie Darko with Jake's career.
But Bubble Boy is fun! In the world of guilty pleasures I don't rank this one as all that guilty - it's actually funny! Swoosie Kurtz is a riot! It has a young Marley Shelton as the love interest! John Carroll Lynch for god's sake!
"...and the prince climbed up Rapunzel's hair to the top of the tower and said, 'Come with me, and we'll live happily ever after.' Then Rapunzel left her plastic bubble and died. The end."
And then of course there's Jake, indulging his goofiest side with wild-eyed aplomb. Why he doesn't make more comedies I really don't understand - anyone that's seen him on a talk show can agree, the boy's an endearing goofball. He was a great host on SNL.
Love and Other Drugs was a terrible mess but lit up whenever he got to shine that sexy wicked grin (or, okay,
any of his other two-thousand body parts).
Have you seen Bubble Boy?