Which of these '94 born actors will follow Saoirse Ronan to an Oscar nomination?

by Nathaniel R
Saoirse Ronan for Vogue magazine
It's 27 days until Oscar so we thought we'd have a little speculative discussion prompt with the magic number of 27. Saoirse Ronan, who turns 27 next month, is the only actor born in 1994 to have been Oscar nominated so far. What's more she's already done it an incredible four times. Still Saoirse won't be the only Oscar-nominated member of the '94 vintage for much longer. The late twentysomething years is when female actors start getting Oscar-nominated and it's when the male actors start buiding the kind of fame that eventually earns them nominations (we don't make these double standard arbitrary age rules but it's how Hollywood operates, statistically and generally speaking).
So who do you think will be the first to join Saoirse from this crop of actors turning 27 in 2021? We've selected six that we're most impressed by (currently) after the jump as well as a few handfuls of alternates. Which of these actors are you rooting for and who has the brightest future?