César Nominations: Gay drama "Summer of 85" Leads

by Nathaniel R
Summer of '85
Oops. This headline is misleading due to a miscount. The nomination leader at the César's (i.e. the French oscars) is a film called Love Affair(s). But François Ozon's gay coming of age drama Summer of '85, which has a bit of an international profile given its festival run, is not far behind with an impressive 12 nods. Two of us, the lesbian drama and France's Oscar finalist (and Golden Globe nominee) this year, didn't fare as well, receiving only four nominations (two of which are in Best Actress). Because the Oscar calendars were so different than usual this year, none of these films will be eligible for Oscar submission next year from France (usually you get a lot of late year titles from home countries which are submitted the following year to the Oscars but that can't be the case next season due to the extended eligibility peeriod). Hopefully some of these titles will make their way to us here in the US soon.
The César Awards will be held on March 12th this year. If a film has a link it goes to our review or coverage of the film or filmmaker. Here are the nominations...