Watch at Home: Knives Out, Midway, System Crasher, and Monty Clift

by Nathaniel R
Do any of you buy Blu-Rays or DVDs anymore? The release dates of such used to be a big deal for film fans but now it's but another random date and everyone is on their own timetable. Nevertheless we should probably check in once in a while, shouldn't we? (New to streaming titles are also listed after the jump)
New to DVD/ Blu-Ray (Feb 3rd-25th)
If we've written about the film it's linked up...
• 21 Bridges - the Russo brothers attempt to step away from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (albeit with Black Panther himself in tow)
• A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood - the misunderstood and underrated Mr Rogers hosted drama
• Color Out of Space - Nicolas Cage again...