Stranger Links

• Backstage casting notice for Asian actors. As @AnnieW pointed out on twitter this can't be anything other than the live-action remake of Akira
• Cinematic Corner ten best scenes in the Stranger Things series before the new season premieres
• Coming Soon how many times does Anna Karenina need to be remade? Apparently that's still tbd since there's another one coming
More after the jump including Carice van Houten, Darth Maul, Quentin Tarantion, and news of a new Clint Eastwood film...
• Deadline interviews Carice van Houten know that Game of Thrones has wrapped. What's next for the great Dutch actress?
• IndieWire Quentin Tarantino is still serious about retiring from the movies, and possibly after Once Upon a Time in Hollywood instead of the "10th" film
• Shadow and Act Grace Jones quit Bond 25 when she realized they'd only given her a cameo. Hmmm, wouldn't that been discussed before contracts were signed?
• Deadline reports on a new sure-to-be controversial Clint Eastwood movie Richard Jewell about the investigative overrach in the Atlanta Olympics bomb threat. Not sure the world needs a noted conservative making a movie about bad press behavior when journalistic freedom is under such attack in the US do to the would be fascist-in-chief... but it figures that we'd get it.
• Variety Milton Quon, dies at 105 (!!!) years of age. He was the third Chinese-American ever hired by Disney and worked on such classics as Fantasia and Dumbo.
• Variety Sid Ramin, Oscar winner (West Side Story), dies at 100. It's interesting how much the music categories at the Oscars have changed over the years. Four men won the Oscar for the scoring of West Side Story in a now defunct category "Scoring of a Musical Picture" but none of them were the original genius composers Leonard Bernstein music and Stephen Sondheim lyrics because those two men weren't eligible having not written new material for the movie. So the prize was basically for orchestration, adaptation, and arranging and the like.
Leftover Pride
Gay Pride should be year round so here are a few LGBTQ-centric links...
• MUBI on the first auteur of gay liberation Arthur Bressan Jr. His work remains largely unknown apart from (arguably) a documentary Gay USA (1978) and his final picture Buddies (1985)
• Humungus Mag "Darth Maul Queer Icon" by Kyle Turner
Reader Comments (7)
I love Joe Wright's 2012 version of Anna Karenina. Keira Knightly ought to have been Oscar-nominated for it.
What matters concerning the Eastwood helmed Richard Jewell biopic is Kathy Bates playing his mother. Hoping her elusive 4th nod secures itself.
Late career perennial status here we come.
I am an ardent defender of Joe Wright's "Anna Karenina" - I remember it was around the same time as Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby" and I thought "Karenina" was using style to get to the substance, whereas "Gatsby" was just all style.
Carice Van Houten is incredibly talented, I hope we get to see her in 1000+ other things.
I immediately thought of Joe Wright's "Anna Karenina". Such a beautiful movie with a great Keira Knigthley
When o when will Clint Eastwood finally pack it up and just go away already with his depressing, ugly-looking films.
@Rebecca - what you said 100%, Joe Wright gave more room for his cast to shine, with
"The Great Gatsby", a potentially great cast was undermined by the noise and the effects.
Btw. Great dance scenes all the best Keira Knightley films.