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The Guardian wonders if dog actors are a thing no more after Call of the Wild. This makes us sad. Though wild animals as CGI makes sense, dogs actually love training/performing/playing with humans.
/Film Bong Joon Ho has floated the idea that he'd like to make a musical. Unlike /film, we don't approve given his comments. We've been saying this since the days of the early Aughts 'filmmakers who are non-fans or embarrassed by the musical form SHOULD NOT make them.' Periodt.

after the jump more on the coronavirus and Hollywood, Lyle Waggoner RIP, and more...

Cartoon Brew Visual Effects companies are still asking their workers to come into the office despite much of the film & tv industry working from home at the moment
Variety Chinese cinemas have been closeed since the end of January (with a loss of $2 billion). Audiences are eager to get back (and people there are returning to work) but there's still no return date on the movie theaters.
Screen Daily Universal releasing current movies to VOD on Friday (like Invisible Man and The Hunt)

Outside of the Movies
Vox "Our calm is contageous" how to use mindfulness in a pandemic
Advocate school musicals were cancelled all over the country so Laura Benanti asked students to sing for her on Twitter. This was so precious and we love Benanti even more than before (which was already... a lot)
Gemma Correll "Coronavirus Reward Stickers"
The Oatmeal "How to be socially distant"
Towleroad Comic Kathy Griffin's delightful wine-loving mother Maggie has died at 99
Kenneth in the (212) TV star Lyle Waggoner (The Carol Burnett Show, Wonder Woman) has died at 84. As a wee child I was *really* into Steve Trevor. (sigh)
AV Club Idris Elba has tested for positive for coronavirus. Healing thoughts his way.
The Guardian ...good news just in: Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks, are recovering after their positive tests!

Cancellations. A new list...
STAGE: Olivier Awards (April), Theater World Awards (postponed from June - new date TBA), Helen Hayes Awards (postponed - moving from May 18th to August 24th), Kennedy Center (all performances through May 10th)
FILM: Edinburgh (June), Sydney Film Festival (June) 

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Reader Comments (17)

Greta Gerwig has also hinted that her next film may be a musical, and she was inspired by Gene Kelly to get into movies.

RIP Maggie.

March 18, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterjules

I agree with you in principle re: people should be fans of musicals if they want to make musicals. But I think since Bong is the kind of filmmaker who likes to play with and mash up genres, I think it'd still be interesting to see what he does for his kind of musical. It might be awful, but I'd still be curious.

With that said, I'm dying for some non-Western musical films. Anyone have any recommendations?

March 18, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

Ryan T.: I'd hope Bong goes for making either an original rock musical or adapting a concept album without a stage show adaptation, because MAN has it been awhile on either of those. The last of the former was, what, Repo? And the last of the latter would be, what, The Wall? Though I'm not the biggest musical fan, and I, frankly, HATE the idea he forwarded in that interview, I'd actually KILL to see Bong Joon-Ho do some sort of a Coheed and Cambria adaptation.

March 18, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

I hate the idea of CGI animals in place of real animals. It does suck and the CGI stuff just makes things worse. If the animals want to do it, let them do it as long as they're not in any real danger.

Rachel Matthews of the Happy Death Day film series and Frozen 2 has been struck by the coronavirus though the last thing I heard about her is that she's doing OK. So is Olga Kurylenko who was also struck with the virus and is doing OK.

March 18, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterthevoid99

Whenever people ask me what is my favourite musical, I always say Dancer in the Dark. I have no idea what Trier thought of them but that's a film where love for musicals is so essential to the central character and the songs have such a special role, all the factory machines whirring and all that was fantastic. In many musicals it seems like characters just have to burst into song but here it's something else. Songs coming a place of darkness of not the saccharine-crusted candyfloss are something to behold. That being said Singing in the Rain (all about the end of the silent film era) and Sweeney Todd (blood, death and cannibalism), I also love those.

Regarding, Call of the Wild, all of it felt fake and so odd. I know that the lead was played by Terry Notary (The Square) and it was good because real animals did not have to be subjected to all of the intense scenes and thus put in danger. There have been years of pictures with animals speaking and yet we still love films with real animals, especially dogs. Thinking of White God. Now that's something. I think it's just speculation, really.

March 18, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterMonty

Lyle Wagonner is in a terrible horror film about necrophelia called "Love Me Deadly" (1972) a must see if you have taste for the bizarre

March 18, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterJaragon

Dog stars? One of my favourite new soothing shows stars Diesel Vom Burgimwald as Rex, in “Hudson and Rex”. Police detective Charlie Hudson’s late partner has been replaced by a dog, Rex.

Rex isn’t asked to do anything dangerous, and his character is respected as a valuable and effective partner. Watching dogs does seem to touch another part of your mind. Plus, you can unreservedly love the dog. You know they are not an awful person.

March 18, 2020 | Unregistered Commenteradri

@Ryan T, u might wanna consider Perhaps Love, 2005 fr Peter Chan, starring Zhou Xun, Jacky Cheung (who is a much esteemed singer) n Takeshi Kaneshiro.

Its the last known big Mandarin Pop musical n picks up a few award at the HK Film Awards, like Best Actress for Zhou.

March 18, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterClaran

RIP Maggie, RIP Lyle.

March 18, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterbrandz

Claran, I was totally thinking about that but I then saw Peter Chan said it's not a musical, in the same vein as Bong's comments. But it stars Takeshi Kaneshiro so Nathaniel should at least be interested.

There's also Office starring Chow Yun Fat, Sylvia Chang and Eason Chan (basically the current equivalent to Jacky Cheung interestingly).

I always feel Hong Kong should make more musicals as all of their top singers have to make movies (Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok, Sammi Cheng...) and most of them are very good. But the crossover stars peak has probably ended...

March 19, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterkin

@Kin, u r rite!! Sylvia Zhang's The Office shld b the last Mando Pop "musical"if u can call it tt 😂 released by HK/Taiwan film industry?

Trivia: Jacky Cheung had a smash stage musical, Snow. Wolf. Lake back in the 90s which had a hugely successful run in all the major Asian cities n spawned a record breaking soundtrack, w many top hits, cementing his iconic status as THE Heavenly King, among the four heavenly kings!! 😂

I alws wonder y it was never adapted to screen.

March 19, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterClaran

RIP Lyle Wagooner. You were one of my major crushes as a kid. Check out why:

March 19, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterRob

RIP Maggie Griffin :-(

March 19, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

@Claran and Kin: Thanks for the recs!

March 19, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

Bonjour, merci de partager ce lien avec nous. Je le cherchais pour mon ami et je suis content de l'avoir trouvé en lisant des critiques de jeux de casino en ligne grâce auxquels je peux gagner de l'argent réel. J'aimerais partager votre lien avec mon ami et je suis sûr qu'il sera heureux.

June 28, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterDorothyGWheeler

As you can see from this list, we at WIRED are big fans of documentaries, and there are many excellent ones out there pacman 30th anniversary. The entire collection is available to watch on Amazon Prime Instant Video in the United Kingdom and the United States.

December 13, 2022 | Registered CommenterFrieda Savage

A movie about a loyal and brave dog. I cried a lot because the movie was so touching. Even when playing geometry dash bloodbath I couldn't concentrate because I was so emotional.

October 3, 2023 | Registered CommenterDouglas Kohler
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