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Entries in NYC (138)


Coronavirus Disrupting the Movie Biz

by Nathaniel R

With MULAN moving there are no wide-releases left for March due to the spread of the coronavirus

As you've undoubtedly heard the coronavirus pandemic has many governments as well as companies shutting down or postponing various services, products, and events, particularly where crowds are involved, and leaving lots and lots of people without income and given the sorry state of the US without universal healthcare we suspect things will be getting much worse. (It's also kept your host here interminably busy / depressed at his other job outside of TFE which is a matter for the therapist couch rather than this blog). But, as ever, we exist to discuss the movies here.

Though Cannes in France is still trying to keep their own May dream alive, here in NYC, the Tribeca Film Festival, which was scheduled to begin on April 15th has been indefinitely postponed, while Broadway theaters have all been shuttered through April 12th. So far movie theaters in the US are still open (though thousands are closed in China) but what movies will there be left to show?

A lot of films have begun indefinitely delaying their release dates...

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Noirvember / Contrarian Corner: Motherless Brooklyn

By Lynn Lee

Is Motherless Brooklyn just another high-profile Oscar hopeful turned dud-on-arrival?  The early signs for Ed Norton’s long-gestating passion project have not been encouraging, to put it mildly.  Reviews on both the festival circuit and the film’s general release and here at TFE have been tepid, the box office even more so. Its awards prospects are pretty much nil.  It’s also not the kind of movie that’s likely to find success through word of mouth or build a long-term cult following, and its chances of future critical reevaluation are uncertain at best.

All of which makes me a little sad, because I quite enjoyed the film, and think Norton deserves more credit than he’s getting for what he’s accomplished...

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Spike Lee gets the "Chaplin"

by Nathaniel R

The honors aren’t over for Spike Lee who has spent the last two awards season in high demand walking red carpets and giving speeches as an Honorary Oscar winner and then a competitive winner for the screenplay of BlacKkKlansman. Next up the Chaplin Award at Film at Lincoln Center on April 27th, 2020 . They first handed out this award in 1972 to, you guessed it, Charlie Chaplin… though it obviously wasn’t called the Chaplin Award that first year — what was it called? The official website doesn’t say!

 Though the Chaplin Award has mostly gone to movie stars since, or directors who also happened to be famous movie stars (like Chaplin himself), a fair number of behind the camera legends have also been recognized… especially in the first ten years of the award. 

We’ve highlighted the directors in the list of previous recipients after the jump...

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See a Movie in a Broadway House!

by Nathaniel R

Photograph © Caitlin Huston

This news is a day late (we got distracted by the foreign film long list reveal yesterday) but have you heard where Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman will be playing? With many of the big theater chains unwilling to play Netflix movies (on account of them streaming the same movies a week or three later), Netflix has gotten creative in a potentially awesome way. The Irishman will play at the Belasco Theatre on Broadway for one month, priced at $15 a ticket...

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We met Marsha Mason!

Last week we had the privilege of attending a live podcast recording of "Live at the Lortel" in the West Village where the guest was four-time Oscar nominee Marsha Mason. While a good portion of the interview focused on her new play "Little Gem" and her deep devotion to the stage, all of her Oscar nominated performances got at least some airtime. (She never intended to be a film actress but then Cinderella Liberty kind of fell into her lap). 

The piece of the interview we found most fascinating was hearing her talk about her work on Chapter Two...

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