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Entries in Scarlet Witch (5)


Once more into the Linkverse

Cartoon Brew the animated features that will be competing at Annecy. Will any of these become eligible for the Oscar? There's usually several international contenders
The New Yorker reviews the excellent French abortion drama Happpening which just opened in US theaters. 
TFE... we also reviewed it here from Venice. Consider it a must see!
AV Club Janelle Monae to play Josephine Baker in a tv series focusing on her role in World War II. Sounds fascinating.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Amazon makes an anti-queer decision on Shortbus (2006), Chicago on Broadway is still stunt-casting, and more after the jump...

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Review: 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness'

by Nathaniel R

In the recent What If? series on Disney+, which is based on the comic book series of the same name, Marvel's writers could fashion any kind of variation on traditional heroes (and villains) and storylines without any actual consequences for the large familiar canon. Zombie avengers? Sure! Peggy Carter as Captain America? Why not! The What If? series of the 1970s was not quite the beginning of the Multiverse in comics but it was close enough. These thought experiments were always pitched as alternate realities (as opposed to pure fiction) though it took awhile before the effects were felt. The multiverse essentially became a shortcut to any type of retconning any storyteller wanted to do; Contrary to all that dialogue in Loki, Marvel has no "sacred" timeline given all the reversals, resurrections, reboots, and switcheroos. The multiverse virus was even more of an epidemic in DC comics, Marvel's top competitor.

Unfortunately if What If is essentially fan-fiction without the fans, then Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is arguably stingers without a movie. The latest MCU movie is positively awash in cameos and teases for future installments, resulting in a film that feels very much like an incoherent feature-length mid-credits scene... 

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Yes No Maybe So: 'Nope', 'Deep Water', and 'Multiverse of Madness'

by Nathaniel R

No sooner did we get caught up on trailers with Jurassic World and such than the Superbowl hits which brings with it a new wave of teasers and trailers, not all of them airing during the game (that's expensive!) but here are the latest via our Yes No Maybe So™ habit. Join in the trifurcated breakdwon in the comments...

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Links, 11

NYT Amanda Peet on why she doesn't read reviews
Variety Ron Howard to produce and direct much discussed political book Hillbilly Elegy. A very odd fit if you ask us, since Howard is skilled at broad-stroked popcorn pictures, not nuanced thematic drama
NYT Radley Metzger, erotic cinema pioneer (The Lickerish Quartet, Score) has died at 88

Shadowplay looks back at Joan Crawford in Torch Song with some notes on Feud
Interview Mag talks to Pilou Asbaek (A War, Ghost in the Shell
MNPP John Waters still making trouble onscreen and in print 
Theater Mania Provincetown's got an amazing lineup of concerts this summer including Sutton Foster and Megan Hilty
Coming Soon Some Scarlet Witch action from the Avengers: Infinity War set. It's always amusing to see how strange these things look before visual fx
i09 reviews the direct to video animated feature Teen Titans: Judas Contract, based on the classic 80s storyline
Cinematic Corner the best and worst of 2016. Yes, it's still okay to post these. I know I need to finish up some categories in the film bitch awards

Finally, please do check out the Pulitzer Prizes for 2017. Winners and finalists have been announced. Nothing movie or TV related this year among the winners except, eventually, the fiction winner Underground Railroad, which is Barry Jenkins next project as previously discussed. There are two theater related winners so congrats to Lynn Nottage who is the first black woman to win two Pulitzers for Drama (her new play "Sweat" which stars Feud and The American's Alison Wright alongside Johanna Day and Michelle Wilson) and to Hilton Als of the New Yorker for his theater criticism. Among the finalists that didn't win is one worthy voice for movie lovers: Ty Burr of the Boston Globe was honored with 10 of his columns noted.


Studio Rights Wars: The Internet Doesn't Care If Rumors Are True or False. 

I've expressed dismay many times here at TFE that what the internet mostly wants is rumors and future film nonsense rather than discussion of actual films that exist and that people can see. (Bet you ANYTHING that the word count on Star Wars "stand-alone" films that don't exist and won't for years is higher than the word count on Ex Machina which does exist and is amazingly worth discussing.) The Daily Beast has a current piece about rumors that seem to have erupted from actual facts (Marvel cancelling some series, toys, and retconning some characters including The Scarlet Witch -- all things that have always happened before billion dollar movies were involved and also within series where no billion dollar movies are involved). The piece suggests that Marvel is sabotaging Fox's efforts on X-Men and Fantastic Four. It's frankly a bizarre claim, even though it is more than obviously true that Marvel would want the rights back to these properties.

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