Review: A New Take on "Fatal Attraction" (Paramount+)

By Christopher James
You can’t capture lightning in a bottle twice. Paramount+’s new trip through its catalog is the TV series adaptation of Fatal Attraction, the 1987 blockbuster. In trying to modernize this erotic thriller, this new show impressively falls short in all regards. All of its new additions involve introducing grating new characters or dulling the iconic affair duo with the clunkiest of backstories. Rather than be a new story entirely, Fatal Attraction tries to shoe-in callbacks to the original with all the tact and subtlety of a woman boiling a bunny… oops. Making matters worse, the talented cast is left completely adrift - caught in the uncanny valley of putting their own stamp on iconic characters but unable to shake off imitating Michael Douglas and Glenn Close. In both cases, they are very pale imitations.
In short, Fatal Attraction is an epic misfire across all fields...