"The Rise of Skywalker" Teases

The first teaser for Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker is upon us. Though it promises the "end" of a saga, we already know that the Star Wars universe is ever-expanding with prequel and sidebar movies, and soon streaming scripted series. Nevertheless JJ Abrams second Star Wars film (after The Force Awakens) does intend to be, at least for now, the conclusion of the main Star Wars storyline, the one involving clone wars, Jedi massacres, various Skywalkers and Solos, the Rebel Alliance and Death Stars, the threats of Darths (multiple) and the evil genius of Emperor Palpatine (UH-OH but he died in Return of the Jedi... Why is Ian McDiarmid doing that unforgettable cackling of his at the end of this teaser?!?)
We'll save a proper Yes No Maybe So for a full trailer but does this teaser whet your appetite for more or are you all franchised out and feeling nothing anymore?