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Visual Index: Best Shots from Ghostbusters (1984)

With the new riff on the ol' Ghostbusters property nearly upon us, what better time to look back at the original comedy smash? While the film's comic tone and dialogue are well remembered its visuals are less often discussed. The film was shot by the Hungarian cinematographer László Kovács. He logged a lot of quality time in the romantic comedy genre (What's Up Doc?, My Best Friend's Wedding, Say Anything...) but made his name in the 70s on scrappy, famous and/or ambitious pictures like Five Easy Pieces, Shampoo, New York New York, and Paper Moon.

Without further ado, let's see what the Hit Me With Your Best Shot club thought of the look of this picture and what slimy memories this revisit stirred up...

Directed by Ivan Reitman. Cinematography by László Kovács. 
Starring: (in order of billing) Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, Sigourney Weaver,
Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Annie Potts, William Atherton & Ernie Hudson.
Click on the 12 images to read the 15 corresponding articles

Bill Murray. What does make him tick?
-54 Disney Reviews 

The look on their faces tho... 
-Daniel Laferriere *first time participant*

Grown white men have their fun while the rest of the world cleans up their mess...
- Bennett Prosser *first time participant*

A good old fashioned 80s Improvement Montage, complete with a song that is either brilliantly awful or secretly genius...
-Scopophiliac at the Cinema *first time participant*

It arguably has endured as a beloved classic precisely because the people in it are so full-heartedly human.
-Nebel Without a Cause

 I'm well aware that this is nobody's idea of a scary movie...
- Antagony & Ecstasy

it’s fun to see things pop in and out of frames, especially when the frames are static. It’s almost like seeing a painting being disturbed...
-Coco Hits NY

 It’s useless to try to deny my love for her and it’s inescapable that my best shot features her...
-Magnificent Obsession 

Bill Murray's chemistry with everyone... and I mean everyone in the movie.
-Movie Motorbreath

The images of Sigourney keep getting richer and sexier as the insanity mounts
-The Film Experience

We Need to Talk About Dana Barrett’s Apartment.

Recreating the Exorcist as a screwball comedy date...
-Bohemian Cinema Salon *first time participant*

The movie doesn't really get interesting, narratively and visually, until midway when Weaver's character gets possessed by the spirit of Zuul.
-Sorta That Guy

Most of my favorite shots are when the movie embraces its crazy and over the top nature.
-Wick's Picks *first time Best Shot participant!*

Ghostbusters is a perfect '80s blockbuster version of the classic 50s monster B-movies...
-Dancin Dan on Film


NEXT WEEK: Joe Wright's adaptation of Ian McEwan's Atonement (2007) with James McAvoy, Keira Knightley & little Oscar nominated Saoirse Ronan. [Keira Knightley Voice] "Come back to me it."

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Reader Comments (7)

Here's mine which I emailed you!

Make that three people picking the same shot. :D

March 8, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

Awesome shots. I can't wait to watch Atonement again and pick my favorite shot from it(which is going to be so difficult considering how beautiful a film it is).

March 8, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

Make it 4 of us who picked that shot - I put this link in the earlier article,

(sorry - I didn't realize I had to email it too)

March 8, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLadyEdith

A little late to the party, but I definitely wanted to play (especially if this is the last season). You can find my entry at my journal, under the title "Well, At Least The Theme Still Holds Up."

Looking forward to reading the other entries and playing along as often as I can!

March 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAllison Tooey

Sorry I couldn't participate this week, but I'm looking forward to reading all these writeups. Will definitely be back for Atonement.

March 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSquasher88

Though utterly blogless, participating in this series is one of my New Years Resolutions! So excited to keep going. [ I did take part in an episode or two last year :) ]

March 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBennett P

A classic horror comedy

March 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJaragon
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