Oscar History
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Entries in Four Weddings and a Funeral (8)


Gay Best Friend: Gareth & Matthew in "Four Weddings and a Funeral"

by Christopher James

Mike Newell’s Four Weddings and a Funeral is an odd delight. The Best Picture nominee (I know, right?!) takes place almost entirely at those five titular events. Every three months, at least half the ensemble gets engaged or married. Despite having chemistry, our lead couple Charles (Hugh Grant) and Carrie (Andie MacDowell) seem to only exist in hotel rooms. Similarly, we skip over a lot of development with the other members of the core friend group. That’s part of the fun of the film. With such large gaps between weddings and funerals, we get snippets of their lives, rather than full pictures. Thus, putting an out gay couple on equal screen time footing as the rest of the members of the ensemble was a major step forward. 

However, by only showing glimpses, we get a rather incomplete look at Gareth (Simon Callow) and Matthew (John Hannah). Still, they were a major step forward in the “gay best friend” trope because they got to be out and in a healthy, loving relationship... 

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The first Oscars I lived through

by Cláudio Alves

Throughout my life, I've always had trouble remembering numerical data, be it phone numbers or birthdays. Curiously enough, that never stopped me from being able to memorize movie's release years or various tidbits of Oscar trivia. That's why I started associating Best Picture winners to people's ages, to remember them. Some people have astrology; I have the Oscars. For instance, my sisters are Terms of Endearment, Dances with Wolves and Gladiator and my parents are West Side Story and The Sound of Music.

Although, maybe I shouldn't have chosen such a systemsince I've always detested my Best Picture, which won the Oscar precisely 25 years ago today. It was none other than 1994's maudlin hymn to political passivity and dumb luck known as Forrest Gump

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"Four Weddings and..." this is a mistake

by Deborah Lipp

Last night I sat down to watch Hulu's new series, Four Weddings and a Funeral. First I looked in their “TV” section and couldn’t find it. Then I looked in their “Originals” section – it wasn’t there. Then I searched. “F” and “FO” did not bring it up. The only result for “FOU” was Found. I had to enter the R before the title appeared in my search results.

Folks, be warned: Even the network is hiding it...

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Streaming Roulette, August: Serenity, Red Sea Diving Resort, and two major 1981 classics

As is our practice we've selected a handful of titles and frozen the films at utterly random moments without cheating (whatever comes up comes up!). It's our way of previewing new titles streaming each month. So what should you queue up for AUGUST 2019 ?(★ means we recommend catching them.) Please do let us know if you're dying to discuss any of the films and maybe we'll write about one or two of 'em  You rarely tell us but we'll try if you do.


Jackie Brown (1997) ★  on Netflix
Is De Niro coughing to distract you from Once Upon a Time ...  in Hollywood for a minute? He's got a new trailer out and that would like a little attention, too. On the couch is Bridget Fonda giving what is easily one of her top two performances (the other one is in a little seen 80s movie called Scandal). We should probably see this particular Quentin Tarantino flick again. Beyond Fonda's perpetually baked surfer girl I don't personally remember much about it except for that  Rashomon inspired scene in the mall, and Pam Grier and Robert Forster being a fine match in the two central roles.


Body Heat (1981) ★  on HBO
Nice wedding ring shot. That ain't her husband...

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25th Anniversary: "Four Weddings and a Funeral"

by Deborah Lipp

Four Weddings and a Funeral turns 25 today. This is probably not also the number of times I’ve seen it, but it might be. I’m sure if you add the times Professor Spouse and I have each seen it, we exceed that number.  To say, therefore, that this is a beloved movie is a ridiculous understatement.

Here’s what we’re going to cover after the jump to celebrate its birthday...

  • Four Weddings is highly quotable
  • It features the best use of "fuck," and its variations, this side of Get Shorty
  • Screenwriter Richard Curtis excels at movies that are kind-heartd and generous
  • Four Weddings isn't perfect, but I will teach you the trick of making it perfect

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